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Erik Rush: If House Impeaches Obama, 'Senate Would Be Compelled To Remove Him'

WorldNetDaily pundit Erik Rush is calling on House Republicans to vote to impeach President Obama, writing that impeachment hearings will expose the president’s purported ties to al-Qaeda and ISIS and “create a situation in which even a Democrat-controlled Senate would be compelled to remove him.”

Rush, who previously supported an anti-Obama military coup and called for the president’s execution, writes today that Obama must be removed from office to ensure “that such an obscenity never again manifests in this nation.”

Think about it. Obama has to know that revelations made during impeachment proceedings (should they include such things as his identity fraud, releasing five of the most deadly terrorists alive in exchange for an Army deserter and likely traitor, catalyzing the Arab Spring, which has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands, orchestrating the fall of the Gadhafi government in Libya, as well as the funding and training of al-Qaida and ISIS, to name just a few) could create a situation in which even a Democrat-controlled Senate would be compelled to remove him.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s meltdown (as well as a marked breach of decorum) on the House floor last week also may have been quite telling. Given Pelosi’s usual behavior, her explosion and insulting tirade against Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa., was more in keeping with someone under great stress than a mere loss of temper or momentary lapse in judgment. In case the reader is unaware, it was Pelosi who put her name to the documents certifying one Barack Hussein Obama as eligible for the Democratic Party nomination to run for president in 2008. Perhaps she perceives that if Obama is ever held to account for some of his more egregious acts, she could go down with him.

Just this week, 79 percent of respondents to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll claimed that they were dissatisfied with President Obama. The same poll showed Americans expressing a distinct disgust with the way the country is being run in general. I believe that we still have a long way to go before Americans truly understand how things came to this point, but it’s a beginning.

The American people don’t necessarily have to understand the motivations of the Obama cabal at this juncture. Perceiving the danger we are in and the nature of the threat they present could very well be enough to facilitate its neutralization. Once this occurs, we can set about ensuring that such an obscenity never again manifests in this nation.