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Erik Rush: Gays Aligned With ISIS

WorldNetDaily pundit Erik Rush writes today that gay rights activists and ISIS are both persecuting Christians, just with “a different methodology.” While ISIS is attempting to carry out an anti-Christian genocide, Rush claims that gay people in America are using the “gratuitous proliferation of homoerotica” to push “the disenfranchisement of Christians.”

“Progressive power players hate Christians because we threaten their power, and the true-believing useful idiots hate Christians because they’ve been taught that we wish to place impediments upon their freedom to be self-destructive, unregenerate hedonists,” he writes.

“It says a lot that so many liberal Americans have decided to stand with abject animals, men who are capable of the most heinous, disgusting, depraved war crimes imaginable, and against their own countrymen and women who happen to be Christians.”

“Obama has more than a nodding acquaintance with all things gay,” Rush says while linking to a WND article about Obama’s secret “gay life” and also claiming Obama is a Muslim: “Finally, addressing the Islamist horde that has promised to raise its flag over the White House: In a sense, it has already been done.”

But Rush has a solution: “Now more than ever, I believe it is apparent that progressivism cloaks with its innocuousness and faux egalitarianism a doctrine that should be stigmatized and disenfranchised, employing the same commitment with which we addressed segregationism.”

What I’d like to concentrate on at the moment is that the majority of the unfortunates in Iraq who are facing this genocide are Christians. Indeed, the majority of those being horribly persecuted by Muslims in nations across the Middle East and parts of Africa are Christians.

In America, we are seeing a different methodology being used to disenfranchise Christians, but rest assured, many of the principals and operatives are the same people. Last week, President Obama took a break from his strenuous schedule of fundraising, golf and vacationing to make a surprise video appearance at the opening ceremonies of the 2014 Gay Games in Cleveland. Obama went out of his way to recognize the persecution of homosexuals in other countries, America’s openness and the acceptance of gays being part of the “very idea” of America.

It isn’t necessary at this time to belabor the fact Obama has more than a nodding acquaintance with all things gay, but I found this conspicuous display somewhat curious in light of the recent Centers of Disease Control, or CDC, survey that revealed less than three percent of Americans identify as homosexual. Given the messages we get from activists, the press, government and entertainment media, one would think the number was 10 times as high. Given their miniscule numbers, homosexuals certainly don’t warrant Obama’s attention as an election-making segment of the Democrats’ base.

So why has there been such an imperative around the inculcation of homosexuality into our culture? Activists would tell you they’re just stumping for the rights of homosexuals, but that’s twaddle. Were that the case, it wouldn’t take the wholesale indoctrination and attempts at the normalization of homosexuality we see daily. There’s little doubt that you’ve encountered the gratuitous proliferation of homoerotica in dramatic and even comedic films and television. The news media are replete with accounts of the parents of grade-school children objecting to the inclusion of homosexual materials in educational curricula, and one would be hard-pressed to find any news or entertainment media offering that frames any homosexual in a bad light. Were Jeffrey Dahmer to come on the scene in 2014, I would wager his sexuality would be avoided by the press with the utmost adroitness.

As always, any objection to these trends risks one being branded a “homophobe.”

Well, the imperative I mentioned earlier has nothing to do with the rights of homosexuals; it isn’t even the promotion of societal dysfunction, although that is an ancillary benefit. The objective – as we have seen in Europe – is the disenfranchisement of Christians. And it isn’t just that a Christian society is more morally grounded than a secular one and thus more difficult to control – although this is true – but there’s another factor involved.

And that is hate.

Those on the political left hate Christians; their proclivity for perennially calling Christians haters is of course pure projection. Progressive power players hate Christians because we threaten their power, and the true-believing useful idiots hate Christians because they’ve been taught that we wish to place impediments upon their freedom to be self-destructive, unregenerate hedonists.

Coming full circle, we note with some irony that those true-believing useful idiots on the left – some of them homosexual themselves – share the same big tent with another political special interest and beneficiary of progressives’ largesse: Muslims, those who would just as readily and just as severely persecute homosexuals, women, children and, of course, non-Muslims in America as they are doing in Iraq.

It says a lot that so many liberal Americans have decided to stand with abject animals, men who are capable of the most heinous, disgusting, depraved war crimes imaginable, and against their own countrymen and women who happen to be Christians, and against our ally Israel. Now more than ever, I believe it is apparent that progressivism cloaks with its innocuousness and faux egalitarianism a doctrine that should be stigmatized and disenfranchised, employing the same commitment with which we addressed segregationism. Damn the craven, the ignoramuses and the deluded with their assorted “phobe” indictments. We’re playing for keeps.

Finally, addressing the Islamist horde that has promised to raise its flag over the White House: In a sense, it has already been done. Considering the degree to which Barack Obama has enabled Islamists worldwide both overtly and covertly, his insinuation of Islamist operatives into our government, the chaotic situation on our southern border and our immigration policy in general, American progressives may get to test that “big tent” allegiance to their Islamist friends sooner than they think.