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Erik Rush: Every Single Muslim Backs Terrorism, Hopes To Destroy Western Civilization

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who last year called for all Muslims to be killed in response to the Boston Marathon bombing, writes today that every single Muslim on the planet is part of a grand plan to bring an end to Western civilization.

Insisting that there is no “distinction that exists between Islam and ‘radical Islam,’” Rush claims that “all Muslims are part of this diabolical design of supplanting Western civilization with an Islamic one” through the “violent subjugation of the host culture.” Terrorists who cite Islamic beliefs, according to Rush, “are not ‘radical’ jihadi commandos; they’re just Muslims,” while the majority of Muslims “advocate what the full-blown jihadis are doing.”

Naturally, Rush believes that President Obama is helping in this grand Muslim conspiracy to destroy the West through immigration, terrorist attacks and “Muslim-fomented civil unrest” by “furiously importing Muslims into the U.S.”

No sooner had reports of the horrific attack on the office of the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by Islamist commandos coalesced last week, than politicians and media talking heads began qualifying their accounts with liberal use of phraseology intended to obscure the fact that these mass murderers were Muslims. In some cases, these parties do not wish to be labeled “Islamophobic.” In other cases, they are deluding themselves in there being some operative distinction that exists between Islam and “radical Islam.”

Islam has a 1,400-year history of not playing well with others – of executing the same methodology in subjugating nations across the globe as they are currently executing in the West. I believe that there are many people of good conscience who deny the truth about Islam because if they acknowledged it, they would have to accept remedies to the threat that would be distasteful to them.

The truth? Considering the character of Islam at its core, all Muslims are part of this diabolical design of supplanting Western civilization with an Islamic one, indeed, whether they believe it or not. Few may become full-blown jihadis, but rest assured that most of them advocate what the full-blown jihadis are doing – and polling data of Muslims clearly reflects this.

History has proven unequivocally that anywhere you have emerging Muslim populations in non-Muslim nations, once they reach an elusive percentage point in terms of their population (some experts say between 3 to 5 percent), many will “become radicalized” and set the course for violent subjugation of the host culture.

So why would any non-Muslim nation of sound mind allow the importation of Muslims into their society?

The answer? They wouldn’t.

Here, it bears mentioning that the people engaging in the foregoing antisocial behavior are not “radical” jihadi commandos; they’re just Muslims, nonetheless wreaking havoc upon European society.

Like the irrefutable reality of Islam being the wellspring from which violent jihad and Islamist terror flows (a no-brainer to most of you), the Obama administration’s dismissive reaction to the Paris rally ought not be a surprise, because Obama and his posse find all of this jihadi mayhem positively delicious. Has no one considered the possibility that Obama wanted to send a message to the world that the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists got what they deserved?

I have previously addressed in this space the fact that while it is being done rather quietly, Obama has been furiously importing Muslims into the U.S. – no doubt in order to reach that elusive percentage point of no return I mentioned earlier, whereupon ongoing Muslim-fomented civil unrest becomes inevitable.

I would add to that the necessity for Americans to acknowledge that a clear and present danger to this nation exists in the radical leftists, Islamists and sundry agenda-driven saboteurs who have insinuated themselves into places of power in America.