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Erick Stakelbeck: 'Imam Obama' is Aiding the Muslim Brotherhood

The Christian Broadcasting Network’s terrorism analyst Erick Stakelbeck has no credentials to report on security issues (he is a sports reporter), but that hasn’t stopped him from playing the role as “expert.” Stakelbeck appeared on The Janet Mefferd Show to repeat right-wing talking points to claim that President Obama is a failed leader. He said Obama is “using the bin Laden raid as his sole, only foreign policy talking point,” arguing that it doesn’t reflect “foreign policy” and that “anyone in their right mind” would have made the call to go into Pakistan to find bin Laden (unless you’re Mitt Romney). But then Stakelbeck claimed that mission didn’t really matter since bin Laden “was basically isolated and neutralized at that point anyway.”

He went on to talk about how Obama is “empowering and emboldening the Muslim Brotherhood,” “throwing Israel under the bus” and “appeasing the Iranians,” and even said that Obama may pull of an “October surprise” by making a deal with Iran or sending troops into Libya. “Who knows what else they have up their sleeve, I have to say these are people who are leftist ideologues, they are hell-bent in their words ‘fundamentally transforming America,’ and I don’t think they’re going to go quietly,” he said.

Stakelbeck also discussed with Mefferd the non-scandal in Benghazi, arguing that the President has turned into “Imam Obama” over his UN speech where he said: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.” Stacelbeck decried the speech and lamented, “This is an American president saying that in front of the UN? This is madness,” apparently forgetting that President George W. Bush made similar statements during the Muhammad cartoon controversy. He concluded that Muslim countries can never have democracy because “Islam and true democracy are not compatible.”

Stakelbeck: He goes in front of the UN two weeks later and blames this obscure YouTube clip that no one has seen that’s defaming Mohammad. Not only that, when he goes before the UN General Assembly in a stunning statement which the mainstream media also ignored, he says ‘the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.’

Mefferd: As if we all accept him as prophet, right?

Stakelbeck: Thank you Imam Obama. Not ‘Islam’s prophet,’ ‘the prophet of Islam.’ This is an American president saying that in front of the UN? This is madness.

Mefferd: I know.

Stakelbeck: I don’t believe that Islam and democracy are compatible. I know that’s a very controversial thing to say but if history is a judge and the Koran is a judge, then I believe that’s a fact, that Islam and true democracy are not compatible.