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End Times Prophets: Gay Marriage, Legal Abortion Will Lead To Apocalypse

Last month, Anne Graham Lotz issued a “Mayday!” prayer alert predicting that the Rapture could come any day now: “Institutions will collapse. Banks will close. The Stock Market will plunge. Planes will fall out of the sky. Cars will crash on the road. Government in America at every level will disintegrate.”

The far-right outlet WorldNetDaily discovered that other End Times preachers agreed with her assessment, particularly due to U.S. foreign policy, abortion rights and marriage equality, with one WND source pointing to Blood Moons as proof.

Joel Richardson, author of “When a Jew Rules the World: What the Bible Really Says About Israel in the Plan of God,” agrees it is time for Americans to repent.

Richardson told WND: “I do believe the United States may very well be on the brink of judgment. No doubt, the church should pay heed to the warnings of voices such as Anne Graham Lotz or Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. There is no question that now is the moment for the nation to turn to its Creator with prayer and fasting.

“Yet it is important to state that God does not want to chastise this nation, He does not take pleasure in bringing calamity. The Lord’s desire is always that we choose to repent on our own. But in the same way that any good parent will discipline their children in the hopes of training them to do what is right, so also will God discipline nations for the purpose of awakening them and causing them to turn back to Himself.”

Among the reasons Lotz gives for her urgency in declaring a time of prayer and fasting is the “Blood Moons” phenomenon discovered by pastor Mark Biltz.

Biltz, author of “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs,” agrees, declaring America “is facing an ugly judgment time.”

And while no one can say for sure when such a time could arrive, Biltz cautions, he believes it “could be this year or definitely by the end of next year.”

“God’s judgment will come on America because of our treatment of Israel and being at the forefront of dividing the land of Israel by pushing for a two-state solution,” he said. “And all of this is in the light of the Blood Moons as well.

“Americans should be fasting and praying and interceding as Abraham did before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.”

But Carl Gallups, pastor, radio host and author of the end-times bestseller “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” says America is already becoming like those doomed cities.

“I am frequently asked if God’s judgment is really getting ready to fall upon America,” he said. “My answer is that it has already begun! Most Americans don’t want to hear that answer. But the facts are staring us in the face. There is already a monumental moral collapse taking place in America.

“Because God has been removed from our schools and our culture, we can see the tangible results of this kind of anti-Christian thinking. Americans feel free to kill our babies for convenience, declare biblical marriage is no longer valid, encourage our children to engage in premarital sex, and persuade our culture to indulge all manner of deviant sexual behaviors. Once you go far enough down this path, a society will grow to hate the Word of God and the people of God who hold to that foundation. We are now there … and the tide continues to rise,” he said.

“Yes – the judgment of God is already falling upon America. But, I agree with Anne Graham Lotz and her biblically bold proclamation, ‘The worst is yet to come and it’s going to be ugly.’”