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Elizabeth Johnston: 'Conservatives Have Been Playing Much Too Nice With These Degenerates'

Elizabeth "Activist Mommy" Johnston speaks at Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on September 21, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Elizabeth Johnston, a right-wing activist better known as the "Activist Mommy," spoke at the Values Voter Summit today, where she asserted that sex ed programs in public schools are promoting illegal "obscenity" and must be shut down because they are part of a grand "war on our children."

"They are obscenity, legal obscenity," Johnston declared. "That should not be allowed. This is pandering obscenity to minors."

After praising a recent successful effort to shut down a Drag Queen Story Hour in Illinois, Johnston called on right-wing activists to "get aggressive" and to ready themselves to wage war.

"It is past time for us, guys, to get aggressive about protecting our children's innocence," she said. "Conservatives have been playing much too nice with these degenerates. This is war. This is war on our children."