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E.W. Jackson: Pro-Gay Rights Liberals 'Have Done More to Kill Black Folks' than the 'Ku Klux Klan'

Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality played host to failed Republican Senate candidate E.W. Jackson, who received a hero’s welcome over his new campaign calling on African Americans to ditch the Democratic Party over gay rights. While President Obama has a 94-0 lead among black voters, Jackson consistently insisted during the interview that Obama’s support in the African American community is collapsing. He also argued that Obama never would have been elected if he were white, accusing him of having close ties “with a lot of Communists” and showing “a lot of sympathy for even radical Islam,” and said no one should trust any person who supports abortion rights or gay equality because they are “in rebellion against God.”

If he were white with the associations that he’s had I don’t think he would have gotten elected, I think the American people would have said ‘no this guy is potentially too dangerous to put in the power of the presidency.’ With his association with Bill Ayers, with Jeremiah Wright, his association growing up with a lot of Communists and having this apparently very close relationship with Islam. I don’t think anybody fully knows just how close that relationship is yet, I think he downplays it, but clearly he grew up in a Muslim country, he knows the Koran and so he seems to have a lot of sympathy for even radical Islam, unwilling to call it terrorism, unwilling to deal with it. I think had he been white I think people would’ve said, ‘no I can’t, we can’t trust this guy.’ … If you don’t get the life issue right I don’t know why I should trust you with anything else. If you are going to be in rebellion against God, the Bible says rebellion is the sin of witchcraft, and you’re going to be in rebellion against God on His definition of the family but yet you want me to entrust you with power to represent me in the highest office of the land? No thank you.

But Jackson also commended LaBarbera over his article knocking Paul Ryan for stating that while Don’t Ask Don’t Tell should never have been repealed, he does not expect a Romney-Ryan administration to re-implement the discriminatory policy. Jackson said, in face of all the evidence, that “the military has been decimated” by the repeal of DADT. “It’s an abomination and it’s only going to weaken us militarily and they need to undo it and we need to keep the pressure on to let them know that that’s what we expect,” Jackson maintained.

We need to hold Republicans accountable the same way we hold Democrats or anybody from any party, small or large, hold them accountable for what they say they’re going to do and for the things that we believe in. So I’m glad you jumped on them, somebody needed to jump on them. The military has been decimated by this lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender policy that has now been implemented. It’s an abomination and it’s only going to weaken us militarily and they need to undo it and we need to keep the pressure on to let them know that that’s what we expect.

After LaBarbera brought up the HIV rate among young black gay men, Jackson said that homosexuality is “killing black men by the thousands” and that liberals who favor gay rights “have done more to kill black folks whom they claim so much to love than the Ku Klux Klan, lynching and slavery and Jim Crow ever did.”

Jackson: It just incenses me when they say ‘you’re haters,’ we don’t hate anybody, we don’t hate anybody, we disagree with them, we don’t hate them, we love them, we pray for them, but truth is truth, right is right. We’ve got to stand up because what they’re doing, what they’re promoting is killing people, and you’re right it is killing black men by the thousands.

LaBarbera: If the media cared more, if people actually cared more about these people, they would actually associate the behavior with the problem but it is like the elephant in the room, it is the one thing you can’t talk about, we see young African American men contracting HIV at astonishing rates and yet it’s not talked about at all as a problem of homosexual behavior, that’s the astonishing thing.

Jackson: If you talk about it you’ll be accused of being a racist just for bringing it up, which is so stupid. Liberalism and their ideas have done more to kill black folks whom they claim so much to love than the Ku Klux Klan, lynching and slavery and Jim Crow ever did, now that’s a fact.