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E.W. Jackson: Gays and Lesbians are 'Very Sick People Psychologically, Mentally and Emotionally'

In his second interview with Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality and pastor John Kirkwood, Bishop E.W. Jackson launched into another blistering tirade against gays and lesbians. The anti-gay activist said that gays and lesbians have “perverted” minds and are “very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally,” and bigoted against African Americans and Christians. He went on to say that gays and lesbians seek societal approval because “they’ll never feel satisfied because in their heart of hearts” they know “it is immoral, it is perverse, it is degenerate” and will ultimately never “feel at peace.”


Their minds are perverted, they’re frankly very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally and they see everything through the lens of homosexuality. When they talk about love they’re not talking about love, they’re talking about homosexual sex. So they can’t see clearly. Jesus said ‘when the eye is dark the body is full of darkness.’ Let me come back to this whole issue of their using the black community because here again some of the most vicious attacks ever leveled against any black conservative or black Christian for that matter has come out of the homosexual community.

This is what they do, they lie because they need—look, I am convinced of this, this is not ultimately about civil rights, it’s not ultimately about not being bullied or being tolerated, this is ultimately about legitimacy. They need it because inside they don’t have it and they’re hoping that if the can ultimately get everybody to approve then they’ll finally feel satisfied that this is really okay but the reality is they’ll never feel satisfied because in their heart of hearts there will always be that place that God put there that says this is wrong, it is immoral, it is perverse, it is degenerate, and there is nothing they can ever do to overcome that so they got to try to change the culture hoping that it will make them feel at peace.

Jackson added that homosexuality “poisons culture, it destroys families, it destroys societies” and will lead to God’s judgment, agreeing with Kirkwood that homosexuality is a “super sin” since gays seek to “sexualize” children.


Jackson: Homosexuality is a horrible sin, it poisons culture, it destroys families, it destroys societies; it brings the judgment of God unlike very few things that we can think of.

Kirkwood: It is a super sin because it reaches far beyond the bounds of what happens between two men or two women in their bedroom, it’s crushing our Constitution and it’s stripping us of our religious freedom, that sounds pretty super to me.

Jackson: Amen, I could not agree with you more. Look, it also attempts to poison our children, divide them from their parents and the teaching of the church and basically turn them into pawns for that movement so that they can sexualize them at the earliest possible age. It really is insidious and I agree with you, it is a super sin.

He also warned that gay rights advocates have an “authoritarian, totalitarian spirit” and seek to put anyone who disagrees with them in jail. Jackson even claimed that supporters of gay rights “want to destroy” their largely Christian opponents but will ultimately have to “stand before Him in judgment for their rebellion.”


It’s an authoritarian, totalitarian spirit that has decided they know what’s best for everyone, they know that homosexuality is just great and just fine, forget about the Bible, forget about your faith, forget about what God has taught us, forget about what nature reveals to us and go along with them. If you don’t, you are the enemy and they want you declared a hate group, they want you declared a far-right-wing nut who needs to be perhaps even put in jail. This is one of the concerns I have with a party that is affiliated with this kind of extremism.

They’ve got to transform the culture in order to make their lifestyles fully acceptable to everyone. I used two words to describe what they’re trying to do: authoritarian and totalitarian, and I believe that. I believe that they are of a mindset that says we want to destroy in any way we need to anyone who dares oppose this agenda, that’s a very, very dangerous approach. They don’t just say tolerate us and you may think we’re wrong and that’s okay; no, it’s not okay for you to even think that or to believe that even if you do so because of sincerely held religious beliefs, you better either change your beliefs or prepare to suffer persecution and that’s just where they’re coming from. They are using every tool in the culture in order to get it done, every business that will go along with it, every TV show, they got plenty of support from Hollywood, they’re using literature, magazines, you name it, they are continuously telling us this is good, this is right, this is okay. But they got one little problem and that is that God has condemned it and there is nothing they will ever be able to do about that and they will stand before Him in judgment for their rebellion.

Jackson and LaBarbera later discussed CNN anchor Don Lemon, who LaBarbera once again argued is gay because he was abused as a child. Jackson concurred and said it is “tragic” that “people who have been hurt and wounded, instead of seeking deliverance from it, they perpetuate that wound and they transmit it to others” and “introduce [homosexuality] to young people the same way they were introduced.” He said that he wishes gays and lesbians could see how loving people like LaBarbera and himself are but they can’t “because they’re spiritually darkened.” Later, Jackson complained that gays have “recruited” so many young black men into homosexuality through abuse and fatherlessness that black women are complaining that most of the “nice looking men” are gay.


It’s a very sad situation that people who have been hurt and wounded, instead of seeking deliverance from it, they perpetuate that wound and they transmit it to others. This is why I am absolutely convinced that they want to inculcate youth with the idea that homosexuality is okay, I think what they’re often doing is repeating what has happened to them because it’s been introduced usually at a young age and early on in their lives and they want to do the same thing to others. So other than being a force for helping people to avoid it and to be delivered from it, they have instead become a force for trying to introduce it to young people the same way they were introduced and it’s really tragic. Look, they claim that we hate them and there is nothing we can do to persuade them otherwise because if you don’t go along with what they want to do they’re going to label you as a hater. But if they could see into our hearts and see the love of God that we have for them and the desire to see them set free they’d have a whole new picture but they simply can’t see it because they’re spiritually darkened.

I don’t have any data or study to give a definitive answer to this but I can tell you based on anecdotal observation and experience, I’ve heard a lot of young black ladies that a lot of young black men seem to be gay. I’ve heard them complain about it, they say ‘so many of these guys are homosexuals’ and they are frankly frustrated by it because they’re saying these are often nice looking men, they look like they can build a life for themselves but they’re not interested in a marriage to a woman, they’re interested in being with another man. There’s something that is going on in the community and I think fatherlessness has contributed to it greatly because if you haven’t been loved by your father, just like young ladies do, young men can do the same thing. They can make the mistake, particularly if they are recruited into it, they find a man who will love them and give them what they’re looking for but sexualize them then they end up for the rest of their lives end up looking for love in all the wrong places.