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E.W. Jackson: 'Deliver' Gays From 'Destructive' Lifestyle; Obama Will 'Teach Children Homosexuality'

Now that Virginia Republican lieutenant governor nominee E.W. Jackson is simply denying that he ever said anything that could be considered to be anti-gay, we’ve decided to post a few more clips of Jackson saying things that are totally not at all hostile to gay people.

In a Virginia Family Foundation speech last year, Jackson mocked President Obama for supporting marriage equality and for admiring same-sex couples, adding that he wants to “deliver” gay people:

That individual homosexual who is caught up in that lifestyle we love and so desperately want to see that person delivered; that woman who is contemplating abortion who is confused and emotionally distraught and has been misled by bad information, we love her, we desperately want to help her; but these folks who have it in their minds as homosexual activists and abortionists to fundamentally transform our country, they’ve got a fight on their hands and we are not ashamed of it.

But apparently Jackson actually is ashamed of it because he is now outright lying about his anti-gay views.

Jackson also criticized Obama in a 2012 interview with Religious Right activist Dean Welty, arguing that the president is “shaking his fist at God” and belongs to a party that has “declared war on God” by supporting marriage equality. In fact, he suggested that Obama supporters are “unclean” and that they have denied Jesus Christ and are worshipping Obama instead.

He even claimed that Obama “will force schools to start teaching all children homosexuality.”

He tried to explain his anti-gay viewers at an event earlier this month at Patrick Henry College, a conservative school that pushes anti-gay politics.

Jackson told his audience at Patrick Henry that gays and lesbians don’t face discrimination in society and that he is not anti-gay but only wants gay people “to do what we think will be helpful to them and productive for them rather than destructive.”