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E.W. Jackson and Jerry Boykin Call for a 'Mass Exodus' of Christians from the Democratic Party

On Monday, fringe Religious Right activist and failed Senate candidate E.W. Jackson hosted a press conference to "call for a mass Exodus of Christians from the Democrat party."

And Jackson kicked things off by doing just that, declaring that all Christians and Jews must leave the Democratic Party because "it has turned its back on us; it is time that we turn our back on it."  As proof, Jackson cited the plank supporting marriage equality in the party platform, saying that by including this, the Democratic Party has declared that the Bible is a lie and the God is a liar:

Jackson was immediately followed at the podium by none other than Jerry Boykin, who declared that the fact that the Democrats even had to debate whether to include any mention of God in the platform "should be something that wakes us all up to realize that we cannot be part of that; we will stand and be accountable if we support that."  Boykin went on to say that he will never endorse a party that supports marriage equality because the idea itself is "evil":