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Dozens Of Members Of Congress Join End Times Rabbi For Prayer Rally In The Capitol

Last night, several members of Congress joined Religious Right activists in Washington, D.C., for the annual "Washington – A Man of Prayer" event, which seeks to be a "spiritual turning point for the nation as Americans witness Senators and members of Congress reaching out to God in penitent prayers from inside the nation’s Capitol."

House Speaker Paul Ryan, Rep. Louie Gohmert, and Sen. James Lankford were among the dozens of members of Congress who participated in the event as they lined up and delivered short prayers, one after another, from the podium for nearly an hour and a half. 

As in previous years, the prayer gathering was closed out by messianic End Times rabbi Jonathan Cahn who, just like last year, warned that America is on the verge of destruction for having legalized gay marriage nationwide.

In fact, Cahn has spent the last year repeatedly warning that all sorts of cataclysms are about the befall this nation, not one of which has actually happened, but for some reason organizers thought it prudent to bring him back to issue a similar warning again.

America, Cahn warned, "founded for the purpose and glory of God, drove God out of its government, out of its culture, out of its public squares. It celebrated ungodliness and called evil good and good evil" through legal abortion and marriage equality.

"It must be asked," he said, "Supreme Court justices, where did you get the authority to overrule the rulings of the Most High? And by what authority did you strike down the laws of the Almighty? You are neither the highest court nor the final authority. There is a supreme judge with a supreme justice that does not sleep forever."

"And Mr. President," he continued, "when you assumed the office of your presidency, did you not lay your hand on the word of God and swear to before Him, 'So help me God'? And yet, on the day that the Supreme Court struck down the order of God, you issued the order that the White House be illumined by the colors of the rainbow to celebrate that striking down. Mr. President, by what authority did you take the sacred colors of God's covenant, the colors of His throne and the sign of His mercy in the face of judgment and turn them against the purposes of God and the word of God on which you swore your oath?"