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Doug Hagmann Claims White House Supports the Right-Wing Effort to Lock Up Hillary Clinton

On last night's episode of "The Hagmann Report," right-wing radio host Doug Hagmann reported that he was contacted yesterday by someone with ties to the Trump administration who told him that the White House is in support of the right-wing effort to imprison Hillary Clinton.

Back in April, radical Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire drove 16 hours round-trip from his home in Ohio to Chappaqua, New York, so that he could stand alone outside of the Clintons’ home and demand that President Trump arrest Hillary Clinton, all because God reportedly told him to do so. That stunt then gave rise to something known as “The Equal Justice Tour,” which was plan by right-wing activists to gather in Chappaqua over Memorial Day weekend to demand Clinton's arrest, because the failure to put her in prison is supposedly "spitting in the face of God."

A few dozen right-wing activists showed up in Chappaqua for the Memorial Day event, where they protested outside of the Clintons' home and also at the city’s Memorial Day parade, where they held signs and chanted as Bill and Hillary Clinton, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and other dignitaries passed by.

Those protests didn't accomplish much, but Daubenmire and crew quickly began planning a return trip to Chappaqua in July and focused on reaching out to members of Congress in hopes that elected leaders would join the second protest.

Hagmann, who participated in the first protest and has been relentlessly promoting the effort on his program, said that he received a phone call "from someone at the periphery" of the Trump administration who "is very close to the Donald Trump campaign for 2020," urging these anti-Clinton activists to "keep pushing" and to work "to get as many people on board as you can."

"Our call for equal justice is resonating within the administration," Hagmann said. "We collectively are on the radar of the administration "

"Folks, I'm telling you, we can change history," he added. "I'm telling you right now, I am in contact with someone from the Trump administration, they're watching, they're watching this!"