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Donald Trump is ‘The Perfect Shepherd’ for Scared Sheep, Says ‘Seven Mountains’ Advocate Lance Wallnau

Lance Wallnau talking about Seven Mountains Dominionism at the 2018 Values Voter Summit (Photo by Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Charisma magazine is promoting an interview with Trump-prophesying author and speaker Lance Wallnau, in which he calls Donald Trump “the perfect shepherd” for Christians who were feeling anxious because of the “aggressive,” “intimidating” and “belligerent” left. The interview was conducted by Jason Yates, CEO of My Faith Votes.

Wallnau said that “when the sheep get tense like that, they look for a shepherd. And who comes along but Donald Trump, the perfect shepherd for this flock of people.” Evangelicals are an “extremely dedicated constituency” for Trump, said Wallnau, because they believe that he understands their anxiety and that he is willing to defend them.

“Christians changed the course of history because they were traumatized,” he said, adding that he’s “very excited by the degree of trauma that exists right now in the world where Christians are concerned, because if you can’t get Christians to be motivated for enlightened self-interest, they will be motivated out of fear.”

When he’s on stage, Wallnau is fond of sketching out on a white board his take on Seven Mountains Dominionism, which is often attributed to Bill Bright, the late founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. The basic idea behind Seven Mountains thinking is that there are seven spheres of influence—education, government, media, business, arts and entertainment, family and religion—and that the right kind of Christians should be at the top of each of those mountains.

“It’s crazy to me that the left comes up with Occupy Wall Street,” said Wallnau. “Because the truth of the matter is Jesus said occupy planet earth. He said, ‘Go occupy ‘til I come.’ We should be occupying municipalities, and judges’ benches, and journalism, and documentaries, and cartoons and filmmaking. We should be a community that’s constantly creating these cultural influencers that are discipling the world around them.”

In his My Faith Votes interview, Wallnau took credit for developing the idea of the seven mountains. He mentions Bright, Francis Schaeffer and Chuck Colson but suggests that he built something new on their ideas.

“I noticed that there were seven segments or verticals that shape the thought life of nations,” he said.

Wallanu didn’t put his ideas into a book because he wasn’t satisfied that he had all the insights down, he said—and then a bunch of other people started writing about the Seven Mountains. And now, he said, everyone from Dennis Prager to Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk is talking about seven mountains or streams or verticals that influence culture. Said Wallnau, “So if you ever hear of Seven Mountains, remember this: I was the original guy that nobody knows about.”

Wallnau mentioned several prominent Jewish figures—“from Einstein to Bernstein to Seinfeld”—to make the point that while Jews are a small percentage of the U.S. population, they have had a big impact on the country. “So Christians should know they don’t have to be in the majority to shape culture,” he said. “They have to be a very powerful minority located at the epicenter in the gates of influence on those verticals.”

Wallnau said he’s especially bothered by the current state of the media, which he says pretends to be offering people the truth while it is really “lying for a political agenda” and “lying for a purpose.” Wallnau, of course, did not mention the brazen lying that is Trump’s trademark. In fact, when Yates asked him about Christians who are critical of Trump, Wallnau dismissed them as being “funded by Soros.” Said Wallnau, “I find nothing more oxymoronic than evangelicals in opposition to Trump.”

Wallnau was among evangelical leaders who declared before the 2016 election that Trump was anointed by God, and Wallanu has been rewarded with inner-circle access to the Trump administration. He was recently invited to the White House for a briefing on the administration’s Middle East peace plans, after which he immediately told his followers to pray against any plan that would involve Israel trading land for peace.
