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Don Feder: We Need 'Islam Control' Not Gun Control

Conservative media consultant Don Feder, who among his projects serves as a spokesman for the World Congress of Families, wrote on his GrasstopsUSA website today that instead of calling for tighter gun laws in response to the recent mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Obama should have “called for bi-partisan Islam control.”

This “Islam control,” Feder writes, would include banning Syrian refugees from the U.S., accepting only Christian refugees in the future, requiring the FBI to “stake out every mosque in the country” and demanding that every national security official be personally approved by John Bolton, Dick Cheney and anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney:

Instead of targeting gun owners, try to imagine Obama saying that San Bernardino shows the need for "bi-partisan support for Muslim control." After it stopped foaming at the mouth, the Committee on American Islamic Relations would have called it racist and paranoid, and not at all nice. The suggestion would have been condemned by every Democratic presidential candidate. And the Norwegian Nobel Committee would have taken back Obama's Peace Prize.

How would Islam control work?

• The administration would cancel plans to bring 85,000 Syrian refugees to America, in the calendar year that began on October 1, including many jihadi sleepers.

• Potential refugees would have to pass a religious test (Christians yes, Muslims, no) which Obama recently condemned as "un-American."

• The FBI would stake out every mosque in the country. According to a random survey of 100 U.S. mosques, undertaken by the Mapping Sharia In America Project, three in four either had imams who preached holy war or jihadist literature on the site.

• National Security officials would be screened by a panel composed of former UN Ambassador John Bolton, former Vice President Dick Cheney and Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy. Then we wouldn't end up with the politically lobotomized, like Obama's ISIS Czar Robert Malley, who in a 2010 documentary suggested that Hamas was basically the Palestinian equivalent of the Salvation Army.

Feder also gloats that he knew immediately that the perpetrators of the San Bernardino shooting were Muslim because of the U.S. mass shootings with multiple gunmen in the last 15 years, only two have been “committed by non-Muslims.” He doesn’t mention that there have been only three such incidents in that time period.

How did I know San Bernardino was another episode of the Wonderful World of Jihad when only the bare facts were known? Because it had the earmarks. Guess how many mass shootings in the United States in the last 15 years involving more than one gunman were committed by non-Muslims? Exactly two — including Columbine.