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Dominionist Ché Ahn Launches Political Group to Elect Anti-Choice, Anti-Equality Leaders 

California-based pastor Ché Ahn is a leader of the New Apostolic Reformation network.

Dominionist pastor Ché Ahn has launched 1RACE4LIFE(link is external), a new anti-choice initiative that is designed to bring about “the end of abortion on a local, state, and national level.” Ahn recently appeared(link is external) at “The Return,” a pro-Trump prayer rally on the National Mall, where he denounced legal abortion and marriage equality and thanked God that Amy Coney Barrett would “be the judge that will help us to overturn Roe v. Wade.”

Ahn is a leader of the New Apostolic Reformation, a network of Pentecostal leaders who believe God has empowered modern-day apostles and prophets to perform miracles, transform Christianity, and disciple whole nations to their biblical worldview in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.

“I feel strongly that we have reached a kairos moment—an opportune, God-appointed moment in time,” Ahn wrote in an Oct. 11 blog post(link is external). “I believe it is time for us to rise up, take a stand on God’s Word, and partner with heaven’s agenda to bring reformation to society and revival to our land!” Ahn wrote that during September and October, he “set apart time to travel to the key battleground states and speak at as many churches as I can to mobilize young people to vote pro-life.”

Ahn made it clear that he was writing about the presidential election:

Church, we have come to a crucial crossroads. November 3 is fast approaching, and with it the US presidential election.

There is a battle going on for the soul of America. I believe this is the most important election because so much is at stake when we cast our ballots this year. It may be hard to fathom, but one third of evangelicals in America are not even registered to vote. Meanwhile, the fundamental liberties that make our nation what it is today are being challenged by dangerous ideologies like Marxism. We are living in a time where the decisions that our commander in chief makes will have an enormous effect on our families, communities, and nation for years to come.

Now is the time for us as God’s people to take action and defend biblical family values in America.

The group, which appears to be a project of Ahn’s Harvest International Ministry, declares on its website that its objectives are to elect:

  • A pro-life president
  • A majority of pro-life senators
  • A majority of pro-life House of Representatives
  • State and local pro-life officials
  • A majority of pro-life Supreme Court justices.

Ahn is a proponent of Seven Mountains Dominionism, a theological and rhetorical framework that seeks to transform societies by putting what its supporters view as the right kind of right-wing Christians in positions of power within the seven “mountains” or spheres of cultural influence in society: government, media, arts and entertainment, education, business, religion, and family.

1RACE4LIFE uses Seven Mountains language urging people to be “a reformer, world changer, and history maker” by making the following pledges:

  1. I pledge to always vote pro-life. I will never vote for an elected official that is pro-abortion. I recognize that all lives are sacred, including the unborn. Therefore, I will content for the rights of the unborn until abortion is illegal and rare.
  2. I pledge to always vote for biblical family values. I will defend the sacred covenant of marriage between a man and a woman.
  3. I pledge to fight racism and biblical injustice. I will work toward racial reconciliation where there is racial divide in the Body of Christ and in society.
  4. I pledge to pray for my president and all those who are in authority over the seven mountains of culture. I will contend for revival in the Church and spiritual awakening in my nation.
  5. I pledge to live a life of love. As I constantly receive the love of my heavenly Father, I commit to love God and love my neighbor as myself.

Ahn’s blog post was promoted(link is external) by the Elijah List, a newsletter of “prophetic” information and commentary that claims 148,000 subscribers.