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Dobson: Nondiscrimination Ordinances Allow Entire Football Teams To Take Photos Of Girls Using The Toilet

James Dobson dedicated his radio program today to the dangers supposedly presented by "bathroom bills," which is a pejorative term favored by the Religious Right as it seeks to fight policies designed to allow transgender individuals to use restrooms, locker rooms and similar facilities of the gender with which they identify.  

In an effort to terrify and mobilize his audience to oppose such policies, Dobson absurdly claimed that he recently read a story about a group of football players who were allowed to enter the girls' bathroom and take photos of girls while they were using the toilet.

"It just takes my breath away," Dobson said. "I just read an example of a case where a girl was in the bathroom and the whole football team came in and took pictures, you know, selfies, if you will, over the top of her in the bathroom. I mean, have we gone absolutely nuts?"

Dobson's guest, Tim LeFever of the Capitol Resource Institute, then piped up to declare that things like this are "going to happen" more and more frequently because such incidents are "certainly one of the implications" of nondiscrimination ordinances as people with nefarious intentions figure out ways of "gaming the system."