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Dobson: Kids Forced to Learn 'Adult Sex Perverse Behavior'

Yesterday, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson appeared on a conference call with Champion the Vote, a nominally non-partisan group that focuses on mobilizing Religious Right voters. Dobson spent much of his time on the call criticizing the gay rights movement for disingenuously using the “human rights and anti-discrimination” message and the “‘live and let live’ concept” for advancing “homosexual adoption, homosexual marriage [and] requiring foster parents to attend classes so they can indoctrinate the foster kids that they have with the gay and lesbian concept.”

Dobson reserved his most heated attacks for California’s SB48 law, which ensures that schools cover the accomplishments of prominent LGBT historical figures, calling it “the most egregious state law that is on the books today.” According to Dobson, “five year-olds toddling off to schools on their wobbly little legs” in California are now forced to hear teachers tell “them about adult sex perverse behavior.”


Dobson: One reason that the gay community is so successful and it was a strategy that was worked out in the 1940s but one reason that they’ve been so successful in making their argument is because they have made a very compelling case for human rights and anti-discrimination, I was kind of referring to that a minute ago, and obviously we all agree with that and Christians do not want any of their fellow human beings to be denied basic rights and human rights and be subjected to discrimination. Christians see the logic in that argument but that ‘live and let live’ concept makes it easier for gays and lesbians to fight for the agenda of their cause, including homosexual adoption, homosexual marriage, requiring foster parents to attend classes so they can indoctrinate the foster kids that they have with the gay and lesbian concept.

And what’s going on right now in California and Massachusetts which is without question the most egregious state law that is on the books today where, speaking in California, from kindergarten to grade 12, every single year and in most classes, the teacher is required to teach the contributions and the great benefits not only of homosexuality through the years but bisexuality and transgendered sexuality and lesbianism, and it starts in kindergarten! Can you imagine this! We’re talking about five year-olds toddling off to schools on their wobbly little legs and they get there and a teacher with all the authority that can be invested in an adult stands before them, and they are sitting on the floor with their legs crossed, and begins telling them about adult sex perverse behavior. I mean, that takes my breath away!