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Do The Dobsons Agree?

Last month, James Dobson made clear that he would never, ever, under any circumstances vote for John McCain and even seemed to be seeking to enlist a million others to join him in his boycott.

He then cravenly endorsed Mike Huckabee, but by then it was too late and Huckabee eventually dropped out and Dobson hasn't been heard from since.

Now comes news that Dobson's wife Shirley, chairman of the National Day of Prayer, is launching an "election prayer campaign":

For 16 years, Mrs. Shirley Dobson has served as chairman of the National Day of Prayer (NDP). This year, she has added another campaign — a call to seek God’s guidance for the elections.

“As long as God is on His throne, there is always hope,” says Mrs. Dobson, wife of Focus on the Family founder and Chairman Dr. James Dobson.

She spoke with CitizenLink about the two critical prayer campaigns.

1. What is so important about this election?

I believe our country is at a crossroads. Whoever is elected president will play a pivotal role in determining the future of our country. It’s imperative people go to the polls and elect a candidate whose leadership will reflect a moral and principled perspective.

Mrs. Dobson is aware that her husband explicitly rejected McCain because he does not "reflect a moral and principled perspective" and blasted both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for their "virulently anti-family policy positions," isn't she?

If so, how exactly are voters supposed to "follow God’s instructions" and elect the right candidate when her husband is busy telling the country that none of the current candidates are acceptable?