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Dinesh D'Souza: Obama Using Ebola To Act As 'President Of The World'

Conservative pundit Dinesh D’Souza managed to avoid a prison sentence for campaign finance violations, so is now free to continue hawking his new book and spreading his wisdom on current affairs at right-wing outlets such as Newsmax.

Newsmax host Steve Malzberg invited D’Souza on his program today to discuss President Obama’s response to the Ebola epidemic, specifically the president’s comments criticizing the widely-panned decisions in several states to quarantine asymptomatic healthcare providers returning from West Africa.

D’Souza said that while he senses that “there’s something very strange that’s kind of going on here,” he thinks that Obama “probably” isn’t trying to exact “anti-colonial revenge” by starting an Ebola epidemic in America, despite reports to that effect that he had seen on the internet.

“On the other hand,” D’Souza said, “I would be willing to say that here’s a guy that seeks to view things from the global point of view and he doesn’t seem to recognize his special responsibility to American citizens.”

“We elected him, he took an oath to protect and defend our interests. So, enough of this ‘President of the World’ nonsense, it’s time to start protecting American interests, Mr. President!”