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Dinesh D'Souza in Hot Water with Religious Right over Sex Scandal

Sarah Posner brings to us an emerging controversy surrounding Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative pseudo-intellectual who has been on the Religious Right media circuit pushing his anti-Obama “documentary,” as he is apparently seeing another woman who is not his wife. The evangelical WORLD Magazine reports that D’Souza has been introducing his fellow right-wing activists “a young woman, Denise Odie Joseph II” as his fiancée, even sharing a room with her, while at a conference with Alex McFarland, who interviewed D’Souza when he guest hosted The Janet Mefferd Show. He told WORLD editor Warren Cole Smith that he had filed for divorce from his wife, Dixie, but according to court records he only filed the day Smith spoke to him and “under California law, that starts the clock on a six-month waiting period for divorce.”

D’Souza styles himself as a fierce defender of marriage against gays and lesbians and it appears that Odie Joseph II, seen here with D’Souza’s new book, also has strong views on marriage, cohabitation and divorce. In a post on a conservative blog, she rails against feminists and “RINO men” for ruining marriage and traditional morality. “Feminists/liberals who intended to destroy and transform that sacred cornerstone of American society—the traditional family” she explains, adding that today’s state of the family proves that “the 19th Amendment was never the best idea ever.” She blames feminist academics for increases in adultery, failed marriages and cohabitation, and even goes on to say that America’s children “are going the way of black ghetto society” thanks to feminists and Ke$ha.

RINO Republicans are analogous to fathers who proudly proclaim their conservativeness at dinner parties or perhaps during early afternoon phone calls to El Rusbo’s show, but let their “independently-minded” wives (translation–women who get their marching orders from St. Oprah or more recently, The View ) pump their teenagers full of birth control and encourage their daughters to live the lives for which their bra-burning foremothers fought so valiantly. Indeed, this particular post was inspired by one such RINO Dad I know exceedingly well, at exactly one such dinner party, several years ago. RINO Dads are those guys who will sheepishly to proudly, fill out Republican ballots on Election Day while their wives openly mark their support for things like, “freedom of choice” and “freedom from poverty.” What most people don’t realize, and indeed what I didn’t realize until I blocked out the “madding crowd[ii],” is that these women and their RINO men are like a vast national living history museum, pictographically illustrating exactly why the 19th Amendment was never the best idea ever and in fact, more closely resembles the greatest show on Earth. Think Ringling Bros[iii]. If these modern families keep at it, museums telling the hieroglyphical tales of our civilization might be all that is left of us.

In the 1960s and 1970s, feminists and liberals of other stripes started pointing out the hypocrisies of what they termed “patriarchy.” Time and again, they urged us to recognize human’s natural “animal instincts” in relation to traditional morality and therefore, to reject traditional institutions such as marriage as outdated because now these intellectual elites had things like biology and sociology, things like women’s studies, gender studies, and critical race theory, to back them up. They pointed to infidelity or infamous sexual desire surveys (conducted by homosexuals)[vi] among traditionally married couples to “prove” their theses. Limb by limb, they tore the traditional family to shreds until they reduced us to the shining bastion of zoological (but even animals aren’t this bad and do not depend on the state to care for them)cesspool equality that we have now in every American ghetto and which is seeping out into the middle and upper classes in less animated ways. These people, like their European counterparts, are the ones who will go extinct. For instance, we have raised an entire generation of boys who, permanently scarred by their parents’ divorces(perhaps over issues such as infidelity) cannot emotionally connect or commit to any one woman in any meaningful way and so we also have an entire generation of girls for whom that coveted diamond solitaire comes later and later in life, with more and more contractual caveats (prenups). Somehow, when it happens after 5 years of living together, after 1 year of non-exclusive dating followed by another 3 years of recurring breakups over the male’s unwillingness to “commit,” getting that ring for which you girls will surely be paying your hard-earned half, doesn’t feel quite like the fairytale it used to.

Since I do not trust the U.S. Census Bureau to report accurate or clear statistics[ix] (See US Census Bureau Admits ‘It Artificially Inflated the Number of Same Sex Couples’ link below)I will not try to provide any statistics on the number of single-mom or grandparent households in the U.S. today, or their relative poverty (both cultural and financial). However, it is fair to say that the numbers reflect an unquestionable victory for the feminists/liberals who intended to destroy and transform that sacred cornerstone of American society—the traditional family.

If they took a moment to actually listen to the music their children listened to, or a moment to look at the way their children dress, they would realize that they are going the way of black ghetto society. They would realize that by failing to do the job their foremothers cherished, their wives, who don’t even know enough to scoff at Madeline Dahlgren and who should be the proud, moral guardians of their homes, are leading their RINO (and real Republican civilization) to their inevitable demises. Non-black youth today speaks the language of bitches and hoes as well as black youth and non-black youth males expect the same level of promiscuity from their female peers. For example, Ke$ha (apparently the traditional alphabet has gone the way of cursive, who needs it anyway? Just another archaic trapping of grace and beauty…useless) is a young, white female who reportedly wakes up in the morning feeling like the black rap hero, P Diddy. She has enjoyed a string of top ten hits which, if you live in America, you would have definitely heard, even if you had no intention of doing so. Her breakthrough video, “Tik Tok[i]” (which incidentally utilizes about as many syllables as an ADHD-ridden culture can handle) features her waking up in her parent’s bathtub, filthy, fully-dressed, and hung-over after a long night of partying. Without bothering to attend to hygiene (granola-brand feminists should love this), Ke$ha, who trendily refers to the police as “po po” and who is apparently still young enough to be living with her parents, drunkenly stumbles downstairs to her well-dressed, clean-cut, conservative-looking nuclear family, sneers at them in all her godforsaken glory, and walks out slamming the door on her way to play with innocent looking (until the day they meet Ke$ha) elementary school-aged children on the block.