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Dinesh D'Souza: 'I Don't Want To Seem Like A Crybaby' But Google And Costco Are Persecuting Me

Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza insists that he is the victim of persecution by a left-wing conspiracy emanating from the White House which directed Costco, the New York Times and Google to discriminate against his latest anti-Obama movie and companion book, “America: Imagine the World Without Her.”

D’Souza recently suggested that he was also the victim of a nefarious Obama plot when he was charged with breaking campaign finance laws, which he admitted to doing and to which he ultimately pleaded guilty. (He initially pleaded not guilty to “get his story out there.”)

As Dave Weigel explained recently, D’Souza has riled up conservative angst by arguing, with no evidence, that Costco pulled his book not because of low sales but as the result of a political vendetta against him, and that Google is making it difficult for potential viewers to find show time information for his film: “Only after the author/campaign finance scofflaw threw several fits about the bias that was preventing America (the country, not the movie) from reading his book did purchasing it become a cause. Up the charts it went, as gullible people took their stands against bias.”

D’Souza took his persecution story to “The Lars Larson Show” yesterday, where he claimed that he isn’t being a crybaby and that he was just asking the question as to whether Google and Costco are part of a political conspiracy against him.

“It is not [accidental]. When you look at both Costco and Google, it is the case that the top executives of both of those companies are very much in bed with Obama. Now, that’s a fact. It doesn’t mean they run their corporation that way and I am sure there are other companies where the CEOs give to Obama or gave to Romney and nevertheless they have customers and they are happy to service them across the political spectrum,” he said.

“I don’t want to seem like a crybaby, I’ve tried to be very restrained with Google and just say, ‘I am puzzled, I am baffled, I am frustrated.’ I am not saying anything more than that but it has been now over two weeks and it is time to get this settled.”

After his lawyers contacted Google and D’Souza hit conservative media outlets with his tale of persecution, a Google representative explained that, shockingly enough, “America” is actually “a common term and appears in many movie titles.”

And at least according to a Google search that I just conducted, the “problem” seems to be resolved…or maybe that is just what Google wants you to think.