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Die-Hard Trumpists Urge Pence to Act Today to Refuse Electoral College Votes from Swing States Biden Won 

Mike Pence speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the Mesa Convention Center in Mesa, Arizona. (Photo: Gage Skidmore via Flickr Commons)

A right-wing network of “prayer warriors” with close ties to the Trump administration sent an urgent alert to supporters Wednesday claiming that Vice President Mike Pence “could halt the acceptance of electoral votes” from swing states. Intercessors for America claims that President Donald Trump's "most vocal advocates within the White House" say Pence would have to act today in order to halt the acceptance of electoral votes won by Joe Biden but contested by the Trump campaign. IFA is led by Dave Kubal, a close associate of White House aide Paula White.

From the Intercessors for America alert:

Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23.

IFA links to a Dec. 22 memo to Trump from unnamed people in the White House that lays out the supposed justification for "Operation 'PENCE' CARD":

U.S. Constitution & U.S. Code Prohibit Vice President Michael R. Pence from “receiving” electoral votes from six fraudulently certified States.

On December 23, the Vice President will notify  each Secretary of State which certified for Biden where the fraud occurred that he hasn’t RECEIVED any Certificates of legally “APPOINTED” Electors or their votes (because of the fraud). The Vice President further requests that the Secretaries of those States (and the relevant District Judge) send the Certificates of legally “Appointed” Electors & their votes-based upon nonfraudulent elections-that did not violate laws passed by the States’ Legislatures, to him before January 6, 2021 (per U.S. Constitution Art. 2, Sec 2, Cl1; 14th Amend. Section 1, Equal Protection Clause; 3 USC12 & 13).

Since all State Legislatures essentially require (in some form or fashion) that their Electors be “APPOINTED” by honest and non-fraudulent elections, the Senate President will NOT HAVE RECEIVED any Certificates of permissible votes from “APPOINTED” electors as required by the Constitution in the manner directed by the Legislature of those states.

The memo concludes that Pence is “duty-bound” to request that the states send certifications from electors “that were appointed in the manner that the State Legislatures directed” and asserts that Pence is “the sole plenary power that has the authority to make this determination.”

IFA's website offers people a chance to send a message to Pence today urging him to reject the electors from states “where there has been unresolved voter fraud.” The suggested message includes this sentence: “I believe it is 'for such a time as this' that leaders like yourself may be in office – for the sake of the protection of godly principles and the protection of our constitutional republic.”

Pence will preside over the January 6 joint session of Congress that will formally receive, count, and accept the Electoral College votes that were cast on Dec. 14. Trump and many of his right-wing followers are actively recruiting right-wing lawmakers to object to the electoral votes from swing states that Biden won.