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Diana West: Benghazi Attack was a 'Fortunate Event' Because it Helps Romney

Last time we reported on conservative columnist Diana West, she and Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy were agreeing that President Obama is ineligible to be president because his birth certificate is likely a forgery. Gaffney hailed West, who also collaborated with him on his “Team B II Report: Sharia: the Threat to America” [PDF], for her birther “research” and called her a “hero of the Republic.”

West appeared on Gaffney’s radio program once again this week to discuss the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack. West said that the attack was a “fortunate event” because it is “grabbing people’s attention so that we can understand what’s wrong with the American ‘Arab Spring’ policy that Obama has been executing,” giving Mitt Romney an opportunity to criticize Obama’s “lies” and policies “supporting jihad, Muslim Brotherhood actors.”

West: As you and I have discussed, I strongly feel that Benghazi is almost in a strange way a fortunate event. Not obviously having to do with any of the actual killing and destruction and harm it’s done to our country, but in the sense of grabbing people’s attention so that we can understand what’s wrong with the American ‘Arab Spring’ policy that Obama has been executing. In a sense that’s what I would have wanted in a Republican nominee to use Benghazi as a teaching school, taking it down the line, whether it’s presidential lies, administration lies, whether it’s security failure and whether it’s sort of the über-theme, the failure of supporting jihad, Muslim Brotherhood actors across the Middle East and how it comes back to bight you every time.

Gaffney: Yes, you have written brilliantly about this.