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DC 40: "Take Dominion" Over America

Back in July, Kyle found that Cindy Jacobs and John Benefiel were working on an effort to lead a spiritual “siege” of Washington D.C. for forty days and transform the District of Columbia into the District of Christ, something Benefiel already claims to have done. The group, DC 40: Forty Days of Light Over D.C has released their prayer guide, “Declaration of Dependence: How to Heal Our Nation Through Prayer” [pdf].

According to the prayer guide, activists are told to ask God to “declare a new understanding that every area of culture is spiritual and the Bible’s principles answer every human problem” and for “Kingdom citizens to embrace their dominion mandate to transform every area of culture.” “This is a time of shifting from the proliferation of the dark arts, the manifestations of the acts of Satan on our TVs, radios, movies and throughout our society,” according to the declaration, “Turn the hearts of our president and leaders to judge righteously and to lead from truth”:

The calling forth of God’s will from Heaven to Earth. The directive acknowledges our authority to take dominion, speak His will on Earth and that unless Yahweh builds the house they labor in vain that build it.

Yahweh, diffuse Your light into the hearts, minds and understanding of this nation to see that all areas of life are spiritual; declare a new understanding that every area of culture is spiritual and the Bible’s principles answer every human problem.

Call Your Kingdom citizens to embrace their dominion mandate to transform every area of culture; that instead of the world setting the standard for living, that those who are called by the name of Yahweh will exhibit Christian self-government to the culture around them. Speak strength, courage, and vision into Kingdom citizens that the light of the Spirit will illuminate their hearts, heal their souls and allow them to manifest that light to everyone they meet. Let there be a passion to bring Heaven to Earth and in the process make strong and mature disciples who care more about transforming the culture than escaping from it.

Christians having accepted the world’s way of thinking about culture instead of setting the cultural standards because of not understanding the Biblical mandate to dominate the culture and transform all aspects of society. Churches seeing the culture as something to run and hide from instead of seeing how the Bible applies to all areas of life.

Cause this nation to draw near to You Who watch over Your Word to perform it. Turn the hearts and minds of our nation away from Satan and toward Jesus. This is a time of shifting from the proliferation of the dark arts, the manifestations of the acts of Satan on our TVs, radios, movies and throughout our society. Cause a deep desire for repentance to sweep across our people. Send Your glory. Bring Your manifested presence; come and dwell among us. Reveal Your great love. We dismiss the deception that God is mean and that His ways are designed to steal all the fun and make our lives miserable. Replace this lie with the truth that You are love. Reveal Your trustworthiness, Your desires to bless those who will turn their hearts to You and Your willingness to heal our hearts and our land. We dethrone Satan, the source of sickness, death, misery and deception. We enthrone Yahweh, the Source of healing, life, joy and clarity. Command the atmospheres to yield to truth. Command the loyalties of our nation to come out of agreement with Satan and into Divine alignment with Your plans. Turn the hearts of our president and leaders to judge righteously and to lead from truth.