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David Whitney Asks Which Is Worse: Terrorism Or Ariana Grande's Promotion Of Satanism And Sodomy

Last Sunday, David Whitney of the Maryland-based Institute on the Constitution delivered a sermon in which he asked which is worse: the suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert or Ariana Grande herself for promoting satanism and sodomy.

"Everything she stands for is quite eye opening," Whitney said. "She is an open advocate for sodomy. She frequently speaks of her interaction with demons. That's right, demons. She was raised, actually, in a Christian household but now clearly rejects everything that Christianity stands for and she states that she did so for a particular reason—because her brother is a sodomite and so, Christianity she threw out lock, stock and barrel for that reason. She has embraced not only sodomy, but a satanic cult religion ... that is called Kabbalah, it is a Jewish cult belief system that is the opposite, in a sense, of our Christian faith."

"It appears this Ariana is like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, leading a whole generation of young people, and indeed some very young people, to a very dangerous place," he said, adding that Grande is "indeed a dangerous woman."

"What is not surprising," he continued, "is that she is wildly successful, famous and rich because people who make a pact with the devil and sell themselves to Satan, he often rewards them with riches and fame and power."

"This dangerous woman is promoting every form of immorality and indeed she is promoting satanism by her music and by her lyrics and by her gyrations," Whitney said. "So while we can measure accurately the damage that the suicide bomber accomplished—we can count the body bags, we can read the list of those in the hospital recovering from their injuries that the suicide bomber caused—it is far more difficult to measure the damage done by this dangerous woman. Exactly how many souls has she led down the path of destruction?"