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David Lane: 'Donald Trump Can Be One Of The Top Four Presidents In American History'

David Lane, the extremist Religious Right leader with deep ties to the Republican Party, has been on a quest to find a true conservative candidate who will usher in Christian nationalism and defeat those trying “to impose a godless paganism on the nation.”

And who will do better to stop godlessness and champion the cause of conservative Christianity than Donald Trump, the man who brags about never seeking God’s forgiveness?

The Washington Post reports that Lane sent an email today to pastors involved in his American Renewal Project, telling them that “Donald Trump can be one of the top four presidents in American history.”

Lane also urged the thrice-married GOP nominee to pick the thrice-married Newt Gingrich as his running mate in order to “mobilize evangelical and Catholic pro-life conservatives who stayed home in the last election cycle.”

“Mr. Trump is going to have to return to the Ronald Reagan model: running and governing on ‘principle’ and ‘moral absolutes’,” Lane said of the candidate who has reversed himself on nearly every single issue and is a serial fabricator.

Trump will at least be far better than Hillary Clinton, Lane said, because she would nominate Supreme Court justices bent on “imposing a godless agenda, tearing America apart brick-by-brick.”

"The choice facing America is not the lesser of two evils, but who will inflict the least damage to freedom and liberty," Lane said in the message:

Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, this is an easy choice. What and how will Mr. Trump do? I don't have a clue. But with Hillary we do know, the progressives that she will stack on the Supreme Court alone will set-back America for a century. ... Codifying transgender bathrooms rights will only be the beginning of nine unelected and unaccountable justices imposing a godless agenda, tearing America apart brick-by-brick.

Lane's letter takes a decidedly pro-Trump position. "I'm going to choose to believe that Donald Trump can be one of the top four presidents in American history," he wrote. "But the proof is in the eating of the pudding, and Mr. Trump is going to have to return to the Ronald Reagan model: running and governing on 'principle' and 'moral absolutes.' "

Lane's appeal to the pastors, part of an occasional communication from the American Renewal headquarters, cited Trump's backing of gun rights, the needs of U.S. workers and his willingness to "confront totalitarian political correctness."

"I think it would be tremendous, and others do too," he said. "It would be tremendous because Newt is respected and mature and has experience." More important, Lane said, Gingrich would "mobilize evangelical and Catholic pro-life conservatives who stayed home in the last election cycle."