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David Kupelian: The Left Is Driving 'Good Decent Christian Patriotic Americans' Insane

WorldNetDaily's David Kupelian was the guest on yesterday's "WallBuilders Live" radio program, where he was promoting his book "The Snapping Of The American Mind," in which he asserts that the policies of "the left" are literally driving Americans insane

"The hard, atheistic left that has taken over most of our institutions," Kupelian stated, "they are mad, as in insane ... Not only is the left mad, they are driving the rest of America — I'm talking the good decent Christian patriotic Americans — driving them completely over the edge."

Millions of good decent Christian patriotic Americans are being driven into addiction, depression, mental illness and suicide, Kupelian asserted, by "the craziness of the left."

"We are children of God. We are created with a conscience, there is good and evil and they're both trying to recruit us," he said, "and the left is such a toxic influence, it is driving people crazy ... Where we were once a Judeo-Christian nation, we are being seduced, pushed, intimidated into being such a conflicted, angry, unhappy confusing culture because the left doesn't make sense. It's rebelling against God, rebelling against the Ten Commandments, against common sense, against the principles of the lessons of history, the laws of economics; they put all that aside in favor of their basically rebellious utopian system and it is driving good people crazy."