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David Horowitz: Thank 'White Christian Males' For Ending Slavery

Every year, David Horowitz, the editor of the conservative Frontpage magazine, hosts a “restoration weekend” where he brings together anti-Muslim activists and GOP politicians at a posh beach resort. Guests in the past few years have included GOP presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz , former presidential candidate Ben Carson, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, Rep. Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma, Rep. Steve King of Texas, former Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, who now runs the influential Heritage Foundation.   This is why we feel obligated to continue writing about the fact that Horowitz is someone who no self-respecting politician would want to associate with.   In the latest example of this, Horowitz gave an interview to Indianapolis talk radio host Greg Garrison yesterday in which he cited a “terrific” video by someone who appears to be a Men’s Rights Activist called “I Love My White Male Privilege!” before launching into a rant about how the Black Lives Matter movement and President Obama are racist and everyone should be thanking “white Christian males” for ending slavery.  

Horowitz stated that Black Lives Matter is a “racist movement” but that Republicans don’t criticize it because they’re “afraid of being called racist.”

Garrison interjected that “there’s nothing more racist” than using the term “white privilege,” which prompted Horowitz to recommend “a terrific video on the web called ‘I’m Proud of My White Male Privilege.’”   “It points out something, actually, that I conducted a campaign in 2001 about,” he said. “It’s black Africa that enslaved blacks. White people didn’t go to Africa and throw nets over black heads, they went to slave markets and bought them from black African kings who had enslaved them.   “It’s America who ended slavery, it was not until white Christian males in England and America said slavery was wrong. And this country was founded on the proposition that all men and women of all races have the right to liberty given by God that governments can’t take away. And then we gave 350,000 lives to end the institution here, and actually American and England are responsible for ending it throughout the western hemisphere and in many parts of Africa, while it still exists today. So the legacy of America, the president has said racism is in the DNA of America. No, liberty is in the DNA of America! The president is a racist and, as I said, a traitor.”