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David Duke: Trump Has Sent 'A Very Implicit, Almost Explicit' Message To White Nationalists

David Duke and other white nationalists loved the speech Donald Trump delivered last night about immigration and the former KKK leader continued to shower praise on the GOP presidential nominee on his radio show today.

And who better to discuss it with than Andrew Anglin, the editor of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer and a vocal Trump supporter.

Trump’s speech, according to Duke, “was a very implicit, almost explicit” signal “that we’ve got to take America back and that we’ve got to defend the heritage of the people that created America” because “there is a purposeful effort to ethnically cleanse us from the land our forefathers created and built.”

Duke, who is running for U.S. Senate in Louisiana, said that he has worked against “massive immigration” throughout his entire career and promised that, if elected, he will immediately work to curb immigration and “restore this country to the heritage of the people who created this nation—respect for all races but damn well we are going to make sure that our people survive and prosper and we preserve America as fundamentally a nation of Western, Christian civilization where the people of Western, Christian descent have a right to be preserved and promoted and go to the stars.”

Duke said that if he makes it into the Senate, he will be the lone voice for white people and a vocal opponent of the “Jewish establishment in this country, the Jewish mafia, that controls media, banking and politics.”

“They are leading our country to disaster,” he said. “That doesn’t mean every single Jew is doing it, but there’s no question that the Jewish establishment is doing this. It’s not anti-Semitic to simply tell the truth that this powerful Jewish economic, political and banking establishment is absolutely the driving force for the destruction of western civilization.”

“Well, the truth is anti-Semitic,” Anglin added.