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David Barton: Trump's Character Doesn't Matter, His Judicial Nominees Do

Texas-based Religious Right pseudo-historian David Barton is featured in a new voter-mobilization series, “Faith for Our Nation,” airing on televangelist Kenneth Copeland's Believers Voice of Victory network this week. The clear goal of the series it to turn out evangelical Christians to vote for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections.

On today's program, Barton explained to conservative Christians that President Trump's lack of character and myriad of moral failings do not matter as long as he continues to appoint conservative judges to the nation's courts.

"We're told in Proverbs 14:34 that righteousness exalts a nation, and that's public policy," Barton said. "When you have the right public policy, God will exalt the nation even if you've got the wrong kind of leaders ... You can have a leader whose moral character is flawed that does things that God will absolutely bless, and the tendency Americans have is they confute the leader with the policy."

Barton said that while Trump's multiple alleged adulterous affairs are "reprehensible," what really matters is the fact that "what he has done with Israel will cause God to bless the nation, what he has done with pro-life will cause God to bless the nation, what he has done with righteous judges will cause God to bless the nation." He dismissed concerns about the morality of Trump’s behavior as stuff that happened many years ago.

"God will use flawed people to do the right things, and what you want to look at is policy and not character," he added, assuring Christians who voted for Trump that they were not endorsing his flawed character by having done so, but were voting for righteousness because of the judges Trump will appoint.

"Isaiah 1:26 says the righteousness of the land is determined by the judges of the land," Barton said, praising the judicial nominations that Trump has made so far. "He's appointing judges that will bring righteousness to the land and I'm going to make sure that we keep getting those kinds of judges, which means [we've got] to make sure we keep the Senate [filled] with guys that will do that."