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Dave Daubenmire: 'The Holy Spirit Has Issued an Indictment' Against Hillary Clinton

On Monday, radical Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire drove 16 hours round-trip from his home in Ohio to Chappaqua, New York, so that he could stand alone outside of the Clintons' home and demand that President Trump arrest Hillary, all because God reportedly told him to do so.

Last night, right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh appeared on Fox News, where he declared that Hillary Clinton needs to be indicted and put in jail, which Daubenmire is now taking as absolute confirmation that "the Holy Spirit has issued an indictment" against her.

Daubenmire said on his "Pass The Salt Live" webcast today that the video he filmed outside of the Clintons' home was just a "spark" from which a nationwide movement to imprison Clinton will grow and that Limbaugh's comments were part of this growing movement that is being orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

"This idea came from the Lord, and it came to me, and then it went to Rush Limbaugh," Daubenmire said. "You say, 'Boy, that sounds arrogant.' Well, that shows how spiritually disconnected you are."

"The same Holy Spirit that influenced Coach Dave influenced Rush Limbaugh," he added. "Don't you understand that the same Holy Spirit that speaks to me is the same Holy Spirit that can speak to Rush Limbaugh and he doesn't even know it?"

"I'm believing that this 'indict Hillary' spark has been lit and she ain't going to get out from under it," Daubenmire declared. "There ain't anywhere she can run. She can run but she cannot hide. The Holy Spirit has issued an indictment because we will never have free government in America if this criminal goes off scot-free simply because her 'father'—the devil, in my honest opinion—has declared it so. My daddy said, 'Coach, you go say, "Indict," and I'm going to do something that is going to smack her daddy down.' My daddy is bigger than her daddy."