On today's episode of the "Pass The Salt Live" webcast, Religious Right activist "Coach" Dave Daubenmire said that the government should stop spending money on the study of the "fake science" of evolution and instead give that money to scientists who will work to prove the existence of God.
"Evolution is fake science, it is not true," Daubenmire said. "Do you know how much government money goes into science research? If you want to get a government grant, you have to make sure that the research that you do is going to support the positions of the government."
"I would like to see the government do this," he continued, "why doesn't the government fund research into whether or not there is really a God? Wouldn't that be good? Let's dump a lot of money—rather than dumping all this [money into research] proving there isn't a God, let's fund some scientists to do some research to see if there is a God."