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Daubenmire: Real Men Would Use 'Pitchforks And Torches' To Settle Transgender Bathroom Debate

On “Talkback with Chuck Wilder(link is external)” this Tuesday, Ohio Religious Right activist “Coach” Dave Daubenmire suggested men today need to “man up” with “pitchforks and torches” to fight transgender people’s use of bathrooms that match their gender identity.

“What would our forefathers have done?” Daubenmire asked. “What would they have done two generations ago if the president of the United States tried to tell them to let men walk into their kids’ bathrooms?” Daubenmire answered his own question: “There’d have been pitchforks and torches. They’d have gone downtown and they’d have gotten things straightened out.”

“They would say, ‘We need that committee that was talking to the Salem witches,’” Wilder said. Wilder and Daubenmire then discussed whether witches are male or female. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter,” Daubenmire said.

“What’s wrong with us, Chuck?” Daubenmire asked. “How is it that we’re so sissified that daddies are going to let perverts violate their daughters’ restrooms?” He agreed with Wilder’s statement that that “political correctness” and “insisting on diversity” are the main problems that led to this. Wilder said that under Obama, areas require “X amount of Chinese, black, white, I’m sure we gotta get the Syrians in there now. Diversity, I’m telling you, it’s scary. You know, let America be America without any prejudice, and it should work perfectly.”

Daubenmire then discussed the consequences of ending government-mandated prayer in public schools and the resulting “ungodly government” that we have today. “The son of Satan himself has seized the White House,” he said, coming back to a theme he had discussed earlier in the program(link is external). “I’m not calling [President Obama] the Antichrist, but certainly the spirit of Antichrist is at work in him and we see the devil’s kids are mandating rules and regulations that God’s children have to follow.”