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Daubenmire: Not Allowing Christians To Bully Gays Is A Form Of Bullying Against Christians

"Coach" Dave Daubenmire is back with another rant,(link is external) this time against bullying; not against the act of bullying, mind you, which he says is just a fact a life and actually serves the purpose of making its victims tougher.

No, what Daubenmire is upset about is the effort to prevent bullying from taking place because it is rooted in efforts "to get people not to criticize or make fun of or poke fun at homosexuals."  And when Christians can no longer say "something that their conscience tells them to say," Daubenmire fumes, "then we see that majority begin to bully the minority" so now "we're beginning to see Christians, and Christian idea, and Christian values become the most bullied things in all of this nation."

The end result, Daubenmire raged(link is external), is that previous generations "would be ashamed of how sissified we've allowed our children to become":