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Dalton Clodfelter Admits to Using Neo-Nazi Website as Main Source for His Nightly Program

Earlier this year, Dalton Clodfelter, a radical right-wing bigot, Christian nationalist, and fascist who openly dreams of imposing fundamentalist Christianity on the United States and censoring any opposition, was given a nightly show on the network run by far-right conspiracy theorist Stew Peters.

Peters—who has close ties to various far-right political candidates and has used his program to interview several elected officials, GOP candidates, and former members of the Trump administration—has made his network into a haven for white nationalists, racists, and Christian nationalist bigots. Clodfelter fit right in and has consistently used his program to promote white nationalism, anti-LBGTQ bigotry, and outright fascism.

During a livestream broadcast over the weekend, Clodfelter revealed that he gets all of the content for his nightly "The Right Dissident" show from the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer.

The Daily Stormer, which took its name from an infamous Nazi propaganda tabloid Der Stürmer, is run by neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin and is filled with virulent racism, bigotry, and antisemitism.

During his Saturday livestream, Clodfelter heaped praise on Anglin and his website.

"The right wing is all about hierarchy," Clodfelter said. "Right-wing authoritarianism is all about hierarchy. And I view [Andrew] Anglin as being well above the hierarchy than myself. So even if I have a different opinion than Anglin, I know that what he's done and what he will continue to do will be extremely beneficial to the right wing over all."

"The Daily Stormer gets millions of views a month," Clodfelter continued. "I am an active reader. I read it every fucking day. For my show on the Stew Peters Network, if you guys didn't know, that's where I get all of my sources. That's where I get all of my news. Everything that they report on, that day, I pick three things that they report on and I talk about it on the show."

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