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Cruz Adviser: 'No-Go Zones' In Minneapolis

Clare Lopez, the vice president of the Center for Security Policy and a national security adviser to Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, told a Minnesota radio program yesterday that parts of Minneapolis have become “no-go zones” where the police “don’t go” and are letting Sharia law take hold.

Lopez, speaking on the “Ox in the Afternoon” program about supposed “no-go zones” in Europe, said that “we’ve got them in America, at least in the beginning stages.”

“In Minneapolis, for example, places where the police don’t go because they know they’ll be attacked, have been attacked in the past already, and places where the police know that Sharia is being practiced,” she said.

Last year, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins similarly claimed that neighborhoods in Minneapolis had become “no-go zones” where authorities had allowed Sharia to become the law of the land. This prompted Rep. Keith Ellison, who represents parts of Minneapolis, to invite Perkins to tour the city and see for himself. Perkins is now a prominent supporter of Cruz.

Cruz himself pointed to Minnesota as a place where the police should Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> increase patrols of Muslim-American communities.

Lopez, who said she was in Minnesota to deliver several talks, warned that the U.S. is in danger of terrorist attacks like those that happened recently in Paris and Brussels because the country has “allowed in and invited in populations of Muslim migrants and refugees who do not have the same worldview, the same principles, the same democratic, constitutional principles that we live by in this country” and “allowed them not to assimilate.”

Islam, she said, “has actually conquered every single other major civilization it’s ever gone up against, from the Buddhists to the Byzantines to the Middle East Christians to the Middle East Jews to the Hindus to the Persians, conquered every last one of them, some of them might, sophisticated civilizations at their peak, conquered them all. There are only two left standing: the Han Chinese and whatever’s left of Western civilization. That is a sobering reality.”