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Corsi: Obama Practicing 'Taqiyya' and Sending 'Secret Communications' to Muslims

In an interview with VCY America’s Vic Eliason, Jerome Corsi argued that President Obama is a secretly gay Muslim who is practicing “taqiyya” to conceal his Muslim faith. Corsi has earlier claimed that Obama was married to his male Pakistani roommate and joined Trinity United Church of Christ because of its “Down Low Club” to have sex with other men whom he later had killed, according to Corsi’s anonymous “sources.”

He appeared on Eliason’s show to discuss his new WorldNetDaily article which says Obama wears a Muslim ring, and Corsi told Eliason that Obama is using the ring to send “a secret communication, like it’s a wink-wink and ‘I’m with you,’” to Muslims. “In Islam, taqiyya which is a practice, is OK for believers in Islam to mislead infidels,” Corsi asserted, “in Islam the high point of taqiyya would be to communicate to believers that that’s what you’re doing and that’s what I think this ring could easily do.”

Corsi went on to maintain that Obama is not a Christian but a Muslim who is “ushering in radical Islam through the Muslim Brotherhood,” and also gay.

Unfortunately, Corsi had a bad connection and parts of the interview are difficult to make out, but listen as Corsi charges Obama with practicing taqiyya and working with the Muslim Brotherhood.

It’s almost like it’s a secret communication, like it’s a wink-wink and ‘I’m with you.’ In Islam, taqiyya which is a practice, it is okay for believers in Islam to mislead infidels. So in other words you can lie, you can say you’re Christian if that serves your purposes and in Islam the high point of taqiyya would be to communicate to believers that that’s what you’re doing and that’s what I think this ring could easily do.

I don’t see anything in the way Obama lives, the way he professes through his actions and his life that would indicate to me that he is a Christian. He joined Trinity Church but as I pointed out he joined Trinity Church for political reasons and I’ve been writing extensively about Obama being a homosexual, and there are people at Trinity Church going on the record saying he is homosexual and the whole deal with Rev. Wright [inaudible] had what he called a ‘Low Down Club’ [sic] of men in the congregation who were having sex with other men and found them wives so they can continue to live a life of duplicity, pretending to be married. Obama I think joined Rev. Wright for the utility to him not because it reflected an epiphany or a conversion.

[Inaudible] He doesn’t even seem to have any attachment to the fundamental principles of Christianity, when you listen to somebody like George W. Bush it was obvious that George W. Bush was a Christian, he understood the principles of Christianity, he had accepted Jesus Christ into his life [inaudible], and I don’t see any indication that Obama has done any of that. Then look at Obama’s behavior, as you pointed out earlier Obama does nothing with national prayer day, he does not have a Christian congregation in Washington, he would occasionally go to a Christian church service, and yet he has Ramadan dinners in the White House and seems to be very conversive in all the Muslim holy days [inaudible]. On June 4, 2009 I was in Israel at the time, and Obama said he experienced Islam on three continents.

Obama’s policies in the Middle East are very much antagonistic to Israel; he backed the Arab Spring, which I do not think is a democracy movement. Obama is ushering in radical Islam through the Muslim Brotherhood. Judging by his policies, I would say Obama at least is comfortable with and has much more of a shift toward Islam, he always has, he did in Chicago. Whereas I don’t see any indications that Obama lives a life of a Christian.