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Corey Stewart Says He’s ‘Seriously Worried’ About E.W. Jackson’s ‘Mental Health’

Corey Stewart speaking at the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC) in Chantilly, Virginia (Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons)

Things are getting off to a great start in the Republican Senate primary in Virginia, where Religious Right activist E.W. Jackson announced his candidacy by accusing one of his opponents, the Breitbart-backed Corey Stewart, of having “dealings” with the Muslim Brotherhood, which prompted Stewart to fire back by saying that Jackson “must be off his meds.”

Jackson made his announcement, with the Muslim Brotherhood comments, on John Fredericks’ radio show on Monday, to which Stewart responded—while in Alabama campaigning for Roy Moore—by telling multiple reporters that Jackson was “off his meds.” On Tuesday, Fredericks asked Stewart to further respond to Jackson’s comments, which he did in the same vein.

“Well, look, we’re not going to talk about self-styled Bishop Jackson, who has accused people who do yoga of practicing Satanism, who has said people are possessed by demons and who’s now saying that I’m a member of the Muslim Brotherhood even though I’m a Catholic. I mean, this is just crackpot stuff, he’s like off his meds or something, he’s gotten even crazier as the years have gone along,” Stewart said.

“I’m seriously worried about his mental health,” he added.