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Conspiracy Theorist Cirsten Weldon Claims Trump Has Been Targeted for Assassination 'Over 50' Times and Will Be Targeted Again in July

Since its inception, Chris McDonald's nightly "The MC Files" program has been an outlet where seemingly no conspiracy theory is too extreme to promote, from the idea that Hillary Clinton was responsible for the death of basketball player Kobe Bryant to the claim that Black men are intentionally hanging themselves to prevent the reelection of President Donald Trump.

That trend continued last Thursday when McDonald interviewed fellow YouTube conspiracy theorist Cirsten Weldon, who claimed to have access to high-level intelligence that Trump has been targeted for assassination more than 50 times so far—and that he will be targeted again July 17.

After McDonald claimed that Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser should "have been arrested for inciting violence" against Trump during the protests following the police killing of George Floyd because the D.C. protests were part of a "coordinated effort" to physically harm the president, Weldon added that this was just the latest assassination attempt, of which there have already been "over 50."

Weldon claimed that, among other plots, the 2018 false alarm about a missile threat in Hawaii was actually an assassination plot against Trump, and the red dots that appeared on Trump during the 2018 Christmas tree lighting ceremony were part of a Mossad effort to "try to take him out."

When Trump made a surprise and unexplained visit to a hospital in November 2019, Weldon claimed it was because Trump's official food taster was "in critical condition because they poisoned all the salt and all the water in the White House, so they had to pump his stomach."

Weldon went on to warn that Trump will again be targeted for assassination next month.

"Please pray for our president because the next attack is slated for July 17 where they're going to park a dark colored plumber's truck outside Mar-a-Lago filled with explosives," Weldon said. "So please pray for protection on our POTUS because that's the next attempt."