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Conservative Pundit: 'The Nation May Not Survive' Caitlyn Jenner's Gender Transition

Cliff Kincaid of the conservative group Accuracy In Media is beside himself that many media outlets are using female gender pronouns to describe Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce Jenner, and referring to her by the name she recently announced in a Vanity Fair interview.

Kincaid wonders today in BarbWire if Jenner’s gender transition is just “a hoax” to promote an upcoming reality TV show about her story and asks why people aren’t calling her “a pervert or a lunatic.”

The greatest threat of all, Kincaid claims, is to the children, deriding support for Jenner an “extremely damaging” message to kids that will imperil the future of America.

“The truth is that the media have already bought into this hoax and are too far gone, and the United States may be on the inevitable decline as well,” Kincaid writes, warning that “the nation may not survive, as it becomes a laughingstock before self-destructing or becoming easy pickings for a determined foreign adversary.”

On this basis, journalists are supposed to disregard reality and accept whatever various sexual minorities or psychologically disturbed individuals claim to be the case.

This flies in the face of normal rules of objective reporting, which require that things be covered in the way they are, not as people wish them to be.

How does growing one’s hair long and wearing a dress make Bruce Jenner into a woman? Some might say it makes him appear to be crazy, a pervert or a lunatic.

The issue of Vanity Fair featuring the photos of “Caitlyn Jenner” has not yet hit newsstands, but the photos are appearing everywhere in the media, including on the Fox News Channel, where Megyn Kelly declared “Caitlyn Jenner” to be a “courageous” figure.

The rest of the media are also falling into line. “She has finally made her debut,” reported CNN. “Caitlyn Jenner, Formerly Bruce, Introduces Herself in Vanity Fair” was the headline in The New York Times. The paper now calls her “Ms. Jenner.”

But where is the evidence that this is anything but a hoax?

During a period when America desperately needs strong families grounded in the traditional male-female relationship, this message of sexual confusion can have an extremely damaging impact on young people who may be going through challenging periods in their lives.

The truth is that the media have already bought into this hoax and are too far gone, and the United States may be on the inevitable decline as well.

The “courage” we really need is that which stands up to this decline and affirms the traditional relationships based on America’s founding values. But it appears it is just too much to ask for this kind of courage from the media.

America’s families will pay the price. The nation may not survive, as it becomes a laughingstock before self-destructing or becoming easy pickings for a determined foreign adversary.