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Conservative Pundit: God Is Raising Up Donald Trump To Save America

Right-wing columnist Tricia Erickson thinks that just as “God instructed Nehemiah to erect a wall around Jerusalem” in the Bible, God may be raising up Donald Trump “to accomplish his will” and “protect America by way of building a border wall.”

She writes in WorldNetDaily today that without a border wall, America has been “set up for annihilation,” arguing that “the complete dereliction of the duty to protect them and the American people, at this point, should be a legally actionable offense.”

“Trump, in this case, may be God’s Nehemiah,” she writes.

We learn in the Bible that Nehemiah’s life was an example of leadership and organization. He gave up a comfortable and affluent position in Persia to return to the fractured homeland of his ancestors and united the people to reconstruct Jerusalem’s wall. In the face of opposition, he used wise protection measures for the security of the people. Donald Trump is likewise comfortable and affluent, yet has a zeal and desire to protect America by way of building a border wall.

Walls represent protection. If God instructed Nehemiah to erect a wall around Jerusalem, wouldn’t this same measure be the correct action to take to protect our own homeland? If it was biblical then, how is it not both biblical and the right measure to take now? The people of the United States of America desperately need this same protection for our nation.

We have become a nation of sitting ducks due to unwise leaders and politically (in)correct pundits and speakers who blind our eyes to the reality of danger on the right hands, while their left hands are allowing our nation to be set up for annihilation. Strong words? Yes, but politically incorrect truth!

I believe that building the wall of protection is the single most important act that can be accomplished for the protection of our great nation. Every human being that comes in to the United States of America should be thoroughly background checked. Our borders absolutely must be guarded for the protection of the citizens of the United States of America. And when I look into the faces of my innocent grandchildren, I believe that the complete dereliction of the duty to protect them and the American people, at this point, should be a legally actionable offense.

While I believe that Donald Trump is limping along on his “Christian walk,” I remind even Christians that God has used believers and also non-believers to accomplish his will.

Trump, in this case, may be God’s Nehemiah.