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Conservative Columnist Warns Liberals Will Create Fake Christian Terrorist Groups To Frame Christians

In a piece posted on BarbWire today, conservative columnist Paul Hair warns that "leftists" will soon "create and fund phony Christian terrorist groups so they can further their War on Christianity."

As Hair explains, liberals are out to utterly destroy Christianity and since "the wickedness of leftists is now of comic-book-villain proportions," it is only a matter of time before they start carrying out false flag terrorist attacks that they can blame on Christians as a justification for wiping them out:

And this is why society must now ask: Will leftists next create “Christian terrorist” groups?

Leftists organizing and funding people to engage in terrorism designed to frame Christians would be a logical next step. Doing so would advance both their agenda (the eventual criminalization of Christianity) and narrative (Christians are violent and evil). Obviously, if they would create and fund phony Christian terrorists they would do so covertly so as to attempt to hide their fingerprints. These terrorist groups would then start murdering and engaging in violence in order to “prove” how dangerous Christians are.

If you think such a thing unlikely to happen, remember that leftists already are attempting to frame their enemies with fake “hate crimes.” Leftists also celebrate murdering unborn babies, newly born babies, the elderly, the sick, and the disabled. And if the concept of leftists potentially creating and funding phony Christian terrorist groups still seems far-fetched, then remember that leftist educators, politicians, entertainers, and others have openly embraced leftist terrorists since the 1960s.

Of course, leftists only portray terrorism as a positive thing when done in the service of leftism. So although they celebrate their terrorism, it would not prevent them from framing Christians as “bad terrorists.”

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Leftists have chosen which master they will serve. Now it’s a question of how far down that road of servitude they are. We need to be both vigilant for the possible emergence of “Christian terrorist” groups, and to be skeptical of who they truly are if they do appear.