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Conservative Columnist Defends Booing Of Gay Soldier

Michael Bresciani of Renew America writes that the booing of an openly gay soldier at the GOP presidential candidate debate, and the ensuing silence of the Republican candidates, was justified because the crowd rightly holds “to the scriptural belief that homosexuality is a sin of perversion and the promulgation or promoting of it can make them guilty, culpable or complicit by association.”

He claims that President Obama was hypocritical for denouncing the jeerers because of the plight of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, the birther army doctor who was convicted of disobeyed orders because he refused to follow commands based on his belief that Obama wasn’t eligible to be president. Bresicani said that the Republican debate audience was simply “being true to their convictions, discrete and by no means should they have earned a rebuke from the President” because he “has no right to interfere with even in this day of sinking morals”:

Col. Lakin got no justice but only a speedy one way trip on the Obama I don't care railroad to Leavenworth penitentiary. This was not a case of one gay soldier drawing a blank or some disdain at a GOP debate but it is the smashing of a dedicated soldiers life, career and future, all without so much as a peep from the only one who could have reset the proceedings to reflect his concern for his own decorated officer.

It is clear that Mr. Obama's concern for the snubbed soldier at the GOP debate is entrenched in his own political agenda. You need not have a political science degree or advanced studies in philosophy to see that by any other name this is just blatant hypocrisy.

In conclusion, it has never been proven that the gay serviceman was actually booed at the debate. Additionally if he was ignored it could be that even that could be called discretion for a group of Americans who for the most part because they are on the right, continue to hold to the scriptural belief that homosexuality is a sin of perversion and the promulgation or promoting of it can make them guilty, culpable or complicit by association. It is a matter of conscience and religious conviction that even a President has no right to interfere with even in this day of sinking morals.

The Bible that so many of them still resort to for guidance (Romans 1: 1f) does not allow them to hate, hurt or disdain the gays but it still does not allow them to see the gay life as normal and a boost for America's future. They were being true to their convictions, discrete and by no means should they have earned a rebuke from the President. Lest we forget re-election is on the front burner. With the dismal record Mr. Obama has behind him, it would seem that any cause will do to reanimate a sagging and dismal history for the Obama administration.

As a footnote we must not fail to mention that the birth certificate that was finally released is being heralded as a very poor fraud according to several expert graphic forensic analysts. Now we have the question of the spurious social security number atop the list of missing documents and un-answered questions about Mr. Obama's past, but don't worry he won't let one soldier be slighted by the GOP without his notice.