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Conservative Columnist Asks God To Remove Obama From Office

Upset that the House GOP leadership hasn’t called for President Obama’s impeachment, far-right commentator Gina Miller is calling on God to intervene and remove the president from office.

“As painful and infuriating as it is to say, I am certain no one can stop Obama, except the Lord Himself, if only He would,” Miller writes today in BarbWire. “I don’t have much hope that God will intervene, because I see the terrible state of our nation, our headlong flight into tyranny, as part of His judgment on the United States.”

She adds that because “America worships the ‘proud’ flaunting and writing into law of homosexuality and other sexual deviancy,” God may be using Obama as “judgment on this wayward nation.”

Miller also warns that Obama is inviting divine punishment on the U.S. with his “demonic hatred for Israel,” claiming that “Obama and his fellow travelers” are “competent like devils are” in their deliberate attempt to destroy America.

As painful and infuriating as it is to say, I am certain no one can stop Obama, except the Lord Himself, if only He would. I don’t have much hope that God will intervene, because I see the terrible state of our nation, our headlong flight into tyranny, as part of His judgment on the United States. We can see the detestable state of our culture, our collective embrace of all kinds of sinful behavior and the expulsion from our government, military, institutions and public square of all things Christian. Instead, America worships the “proud” flaunting and writing into law of homosexuality and other sexual deviancy, the mass-murder of pre-born babies “celebrated” as “choice,” and the indolent, entitlement mentality of far too many people who shun work and instead insist that others pay for their living, and in so doing, choose for themselves lives of servitude to their government masters. Barack Obama is also part of the Lord’s judgment on this wayward nation. It’s not just him alone, but the entire American power structure that has sunk into diseased corruption and criminality.

Another thing we must consider regarding the Lord’s judgment is God’s promise to Israel. You don’t mess with Israel without consequences. In Genesis 12:3, God said to Abraham (then, Abram), “I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you, and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.” This promise has not changed, and it never will. We know that Obama and his allies have a demonic hatred for Israel. Obama has repeatedly shunned and insulted Israel, and he has sided with, and given material support to, Israel’s Muslim Arab enemies. By this also we know that America is skating on thin ice, because of our wicked “leaders” who hate Israel.

Obama and his fellow travelers are allowed to behave as an oligarchic dictatorship. They are enemies of the United States. They are not incompetent. They are competent like devils are, and they mean our nation great harm. They are anti-American fiends. Who will stop them? Who will hold them accountable for their treason and crimes against the United States? Who will prevent the near-completion of “fundamental transformation” of our once-great nation?

The view from here doesn’t look good. Nevertheless, we will not stop speaking out against them. We will not stop praying for God’s mercy on this undeserving, wayward nation. We will not stop demanding that Congress do the right thing and impeach, convict and remove Barack Obama and his collaborators from office.