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Conservative Author: Obama Wants 'Chaos' To 'Deflect Attention From His Executive Orders And Numerous Scandals'

Morgan Brittany, a conservative pundit and coauthor of the book “What Women Really Want,” is out with a new column on the demonstrations in Ferguson, Missouri. Given that Brittany is pretty sure that President Obama wants to sic the military on conservatives and use Ebola to throw us in FEMA camps, it’s hardly surprising that her take on Ferguson is also ridden with conspiracy theories.

Brittany writes in WorldNetDaily today that Obama’s repeated condemnations of violence and looting in response to a grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer who killed Michael Brown prove that Obama actually supports violence and looting.

“[H]e almost sounded as though he condoned it and felt that it was all right for these people to violently express their disgust and distrust of the judicial system,” she writes, claiming that the president “was showing sympathy for the hoodlums in the streets!”

She suggests that Obama could have truly united the nation if he gave “one of the speeches that stirred everyone to elect him president” about how “Michael Brown brought all of this on himself.”

Brittany ends by just asking the question whether Obama may want to stir up the situation in Ferguson in order to distract people from his latest executive order on immigration: “Maybe he even welcomes some of the chaos in the streets of our cities in order to deflect attention from his executive orders and numerous scandals. With a complicit media who live for ratings, he lit the fire, and now can watch it burn. Could this possibly be what he really wants?”

As I sat watching the split screen on my television, with Obama on one side and riots breaking out on the other, I couldn’t help but hope and pray that he would say something, anything, that would harshly condemn this type of behavior. Instead, he almost sounded as though he condoned it and felt that it was all right for these people to violently express their disgust and distrust of the judicial system. He wasn’t showing anger and contempt at those that were burning businesses to the ground, destroying the property and dreams of hard-working people who had nothing to do with the verdict; instead, he was showing sympathy for the hoodlums in the streets!

All Americans who were watching this spectacle knew it was coming. We all were prepared because virtually every media outlet telegraphed it days in advance. The police department knew, the National Guard was called out, yet as we watched our screens, no one did anything to stop the destruction! Why? Why was the National Guard not stationed in front of every business threatened or at least in front of the most vulnerable? Why was the police force and fire department late to the scene? Were they ordered not to stop the rioting and just let it go? Who gave this stand down order if there was one? Why on the one night they knew problems would occur did the governor of Missouri and his office not return any phone calls from the lieutenant governor and the mayor of Ferguson? And why, in God’s name, did they announce the verdict late at night when they knew the outcome all day long?

If Barack Obama was the type of leader who wanted unity in this country, this would have been the time for him to stand in front of the American people and give one of the speeches that stirred everyone to elect him president. He should have had the courage to speak up about the consequences of breaking the law and explained that, unfortunately, Michael Brown brought all of this on himself. He should not have glorified him as the innocent victim of an out-of-control police officer, but should have explained that there is a price to pay for your actions. He should have said that this had nothing to do with race and all to do with attitude and disrespect for the law. He should have stressed that the grand jury did its job by looking at the evidence presented and that its decision needed to be respected.

Obama seems to sit back patiently and watch all of this happen. Maybe he even welcomes some of the chaos in the streets of our cities in order to deflect attention from his executive orders and numerous scandals. With a complicit media who live for ratings, he lit the fire, and now can watch it burn. Could this possibly be what he really wants?