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Conservative Activists Dream Of Military Arresting Obama

On Tuesday, Cliff Kincaid of the right-wing group Accuracy In Media stopped by “Trunews” where he spoke with host Rick Wiles about their dreams of the military arresting President Obama.

After Kincaid lamented that congressional Republicans “don’t want to talk impeachment,” Wiles wondered “why aren’t they saying we’re going to put handcuffs on this guy.”

“Yeah, well, that’s the meaning of high crimes and misdemeanors,” Kincaid replied, while cautioning that such an arrest will probably never happen.

“This is the only way you deal with a hooligan, you tell him we’re coming with handcuffs, we’re going to lock you up,” Wiles said. “I don’t think you can impeach Obama because he’s not a legitimate president, you and I both know he’s a foreign plant, he’s always been a communist agent inside this country and you don’t impeach somebody who went into that office through false pretense. It’s never happened in the republic, but the way you deal with that person is you arrest them.”

Wiles elaborated that he is pulling for the Marines to raid the White House: “It’s time that they recognize that he’s an imposter who is destroying the republic. My greatest, my most wonderful dream is seeing helicopters hovering over the White House with Marines repelling down on the roof and going in there and getting that rascal.

It’s a dream, it’s not going to happen, but that’s what should happen and it’s what would’ve happened many years ago in this country because God-fearing, patriotic men would never have permitted this criminal to get away with this stuff. So we are to blame as a people for allowing this criminal to pull off this crime,” he said.

Kincaid also repeated his call for the NSA to monitor Obama as a potential spy, telling Wiles that “we need a Venona Project modern day that’s going to monitor whether from the top on down, from Obama on down, who in our government is working with the enemy.”

He added that the government needs to use the NSA and other surveillance programs “against Obama” and “foreign onslaughts.”