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Colorado "Personhood" Group Running Radio Ad Featuring Fictitious Slave Speaking Out Against Abortion

Last week, I saw a press release from Personhood Colorado announcing that they were going to be holding a press conference on Monday featuring Alan Keyes at which the organization would announce their campaign strategy and release their first radio ad.

At the time I didn't pay much attention to it because this is a fringe effort that doesn't have much support even from anti-choice groups.  In fact, the last time a "personhood" amendment was on the ballot in Colorado, it received a measly 27% support.

But now I wish that I had paid more attention, becuase supporters are trying to get it passed again this year and brought in Keyes to help them unveil their new radio ad yesterday which uses a fictitious slave to compare the fight against abortion to the fight against slavery:  

Backers of a ballot initiative asking Colorado voters to essentially ban abortion in the state announced their campaign strategy yesterday, a strategy that includes comparing fetuses to slaves.

Members of Personhood Colorado unveiled their first campaign advertisement at a news conference at the Capitol. The radio ad, which will be aired in the coming days, compares the rights of fetuses to American slaves.

It features a fictitious slave by the name of George Stevens who says he fought to end the practice of declaring people as property.

“I fought so all slaves would be recognized as persons, not property, and we won,” says Stevens in the radio spot, as patriotic war music plays in the background. “But today in Colorado there are still people called property - children - just like I was. And that America you thought you wouldn’t recognize is all around you, and these children are being killed.”

The ad asks voters this November to vote “yes” on Amendment 62 because the measure declares unborn children persons, not property.

“And that’s the America I fought for,” concludes the ad.

UPDATE: You can hear the ad here.