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'Coach' Dave Daubenmire: Bar People Who Believe In Evolution From Sitting On Creationist's Jury

Kent Hovind is a right-wing folk hero known as "Dr. Dino" from his days running Dinosaur Adventure Land, a young earth creationist theme park in Florida, who has spent nearly the last decade in prison for refusing to pay federal income tax on the grounds that all of the money generated by his theme park belonged to God.

With his 10-year prison sentence set to come to an end soon, Hovind now finds himself facing even more legal troubles stemming from his alleged efforts to illegally prevent the government from selling off properties seized from him in the original tax case.

"Coach" Dave Daubenmire has long been one of Hovind's most vocal defenders and he has posted several videos in recent days claiming that the government is persecuting Hovind simply for being a Christian, including one today in which he argued that it is unconstitutional for Hovind to be judged by a jury that does not share his particular Christian worldview and belief system.

Daubenmire said that any potential juror who believes in evolution ought to be barred from sitting on Hovind's jury because that would mean that Hovind would not be judged by a "jury of his peers."

"Wouldn't a jury of Kent Hovind's peers be those who believe the same way that he does?" Daubenmire asked. "Wouldn't it be germane that if you put Kent Hovind on trial, that you would have people on the trial who think like he thinks so that they could, in fact, judge the merits of the case rather than their own biases about creationism or the Bible or Christians or whatever?"

To further demonstrate the rock-solid logic of his position, Daubenmire said "it would be like putting a drug dealer on trial [and] you find somebody on the jury who is totally, one hundred per cent against any type of drugs and thinks drug dealers should be prosecuted and thrown in jail."

"That would not be a jury of peers of that drug dealer":