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Cliff Kincaid Wonders If 'Obama Is A Puppet Of Putin'

Accuracy In Media’s Cliff Kincaid believes that President Obama is doing little to prevent Vladimir Putin from ordering Russian forces to seize more Ukrainian territory, arguing today that the president is “letting Russia carry out a slaughter” as “it’s almost as if Obama is a puppet of Putin.”

“Obama plays into Putin’s hands by refusing to even describe the invasion of Ukraine as an invasion,” Kincaid writes, despite the fact that Obama has indeed described the Russian takeover of parts of Ukraine as an “invasion.”

In effect, Obama has turned his back on the millions of young men and women in Ukraine who dared to dream of freedom and independence for their country. Obama and his Western allies, including Angela Merkel of Germany, are letting Russia carry out a slaughter.

It is not on our TV screens, in the same way that the Islamic State is beheading Americans, but the lives being lost are just as real. However, the American people are being misled by Russian propaganda masquerading as “news” into thinking that there is some factual dispute over what is really happening there, and that Russia has a legitimate gripe. The impact of this campaign of disinformation and propaganda cannot be ignored.

We have pointed out repeatedly that the Western media play into Moscow’s hands by treating Putin’s lies as just another point of view. We see examples of this every day. A phony “balance” is achieved between what should be obvious—that Russia has invaded Ukraine—with obviously false denials. Consider a story in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal.

Russia originally invaded Ukraine in February, taking Crimea, and now it is seizing Eastern Ukraine. Still, Obama has failed to support the brave people of Ukraine against Russia with the weapons they need for their own self-defense.

The truth is that Putin is winning, lives are being lost, and Obama is doing nothing of substance to stop the Russians. Putin is winning in part as a result of brainwashing not only his own people, but the West. The constant nonsense about Nazis in Ukraine is even having an impact here.

At the same time, Obama plays into Putin’s hands by refusing to even describe the invasion of Ukraine as an invasion. Our media go along with the facade, playing into Obama’s (and Putin’s) hands.

It’s almost as if Obama is a puppet of Putin.

It’s time for the media—in what we used to call the “free world”—to decide which side they’re on. Truth requires facing the facts about evil not only in the Middle East but inside the Kremlin.