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Cliff Kincaid: NSA Should Monitor Obama As A Potential Russian Agent

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media said in an interview with Frank Gaffney yesterday that the National Security Agency “should be monitoring our own president,” implying that the president could in fact be a Russian agent.

Kincaid has stated before that he believes that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a Russian agent, and told Gaffney that the NSA was right to monitor Merkel’s phone calls.

“We can’t just assume that some of these people supposedly on our side are just misguided and have been led astray,” he said. “We have to look at evidence of infiltration.”

He then implied that President Obama himself could be part of this “infiltration,” saying that it was “no accident” that Edward Snowden “ended up in Moscow” and citing conspiracy theories around labor activist Frank Marshall Davis, who was a friend of the president’s family when he was growing up, to claim that the president was “mentored as a youth by a pro-Soviet Communist Party operative.”

(There is an alternate birther theory that holds that Davis was in fact Obama’s real father, but Kincaid is among those who believe that Davis merely mentored Obama to become a communist.)

“[F]rankly our NSA should be monitoring our own president,” Kincaid said.